Will My Ex Come Back If I Leave Him Alone — If He Loves You He Will Come Back No Matter What

Kayla Eden
7 min readAug 26, 2021


Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash

There is nothing worse in this life than the relentless anguish that an individual experiences when coping with the aftermath of a broken relationship, and the consequential adamant desire to get your ex back. We all have undergone the trials, and tribulations that getting your ex back entails, however pursuing then in the right manner can lead them straight back into your arms. It is crucial to understand, and practice specific positive behaviors to enhance your chances of winning the love of your life back, because there are many negative behaviors that can result in the exact opposite outcome that you want. The major action that you need to take is to leave them be, and have patience that they will come around.

It is not easy to relate to your ex right this moment, because most likely they are feeling the guilt that comes with breaking up. They do not need the incessant pressure of your pleads to get them back. They say everything ends bad, or else it would not end. In some aspects, this is very true. There is always one party that feels inadequate, and lonelier than the other involved. This is the very reason why you should give them their space to come to terms with their own feelings, emotions, and pain. The reason why space is good is that absence makes the heart grow fonder. If you are always smothering them, then how can they possibly miss you? It usually pays to stay out of contact with them for a bit of time, even though it may be the most excruciating thing that you ever had to do.

It is very understandable that you want to get your ex back, but this is imperative to follow. It is like reverse psychology, when you call them they know that you still want them. This only allows their ego to bloom, and hinders your chances at reconciling the relationship. Do not contact them, and when they call you with those late night break-up blues, show them no mercy by ignoring them. Wait a little while before talking to them, because this will make them wonder. The biggest asset that you have when you do not have any contact with him or her is that they are left with uncertainty. It is the uncertainty, and the speculation that leaves them doubting if the break up was the right thing to do. This is a strategic key to follow in order to win your ex back into your life.

After suffering for what will seem like ages, but actually will be only a few weeks, you will know that it is the right time to contact your ex. Not only has this made them desire you more, because you have been unreachable, but it has given them enough time to decide what they really want. It will also give you an immense amount of topics to catch up on, and discuss. It is important that in the conversations that you have with your ex, you act elusive, and vague. Do not just plow into graveling for them, or express that you want to reconcile; chances are they already want you back. The time apart normally coerces them into longing for what they cannot have anymore, even though there is no guarantee that this will get your ex back.

Test the waters out, and allow them to lead the conversations. This will save you from being the one who appears desperate, and needy. Wait for their prompts to speak about the relationship, and then tell them how you feel. You could have likely have won your ex back, by just leaving them alone. It is also possible that they will have moved on, and do not want to reconcile the relationship. Just remember, you have prevailed through the irresistible torment of not speaking to the person that you love, and compromised it all to find yourself, heal from the grief, and perhaps realize that you do not feel the same way about them anymore. In the end, you will have initiated a great behavior by giving your ex space, and allowing yourself to survive through it all.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn’t stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don’t throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

Will my ex come back if I leave him alone: If he loves you he will come back no matter what.

Make this your summer of love. Start with loving yourself. Ha, ha, ha! No, no, no, not that way!

What I mean is to treat yourself like you would treat your lover, take yourself to dinner, to a show, make yourself a nice bubble bath, do something you have never done before.

Something your ex has tried to get to do on several occasions and for what ever reason you would not do it. Now during this time you are not going to contact your ex no matter how hard it may be.

Keep yourself occupied, no sad movies, don’t go to their favorite restaurant, or their favorite club you are trying to keep your distance.

If by chance, you do run into them, just say hello and keep on walking, even it they are with someone.

Stay away from mutual friends, change your status on Facebook. Ignore them.

You don’t have to worry about how to get your ex back, if they left because they did not feel appreciated, or they wanted to date other people, let them explore what is out there and realize being single sucks big time without you. He/she will want to make up with you to see the new you.

It is hard to deal with a breakup. You have thoughts of can this relationship be saved, what happen is this relationship over, how can I get my ex back, your mind will play tricks on you caused by your physical feelings and your emotions.

Take control of yourself don’t go pleading and begging stay strong.

You are going to be so busy, your ex will start to wonder what is going on.

Your ex will want you back just to see what is going on.

If you could turn back time and redo what happen, what was said and stop the hurt. Would You?

Then you could take those hurtful words and put them away never to be used again.

Words can be so hurtful. Ignoring you Ex can be the beginning of a beautiful new relationship if you are ready to give it a try….

There are some occasions… where making a heartfelt apology is all that is needed to have your ex crawling back to you.

Trying to get your ex back by ignoring them takes a little will power.

Apologize the right way.

I have been in several relationships, not all of them have been easy to get over, but that was in my early days. Now that I am older, I know what it takes to keep a relationship strong and what the other person wants to hear to keep them happy.

It is not all what you say it is what you do that will keep them coming back for more, and loving you all the more. The art of making up is a way to get your ex back.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it’s broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it’s an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex’s decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you’re the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets

