paul walker
6 min readJun 9, 2024

Quantum Interface

Kim stood holding the sides of her open robe, eyes closed and shoulders high, as if she had a cape on. Morning sun permeated through the full glass walls of the 50-story high condo while drones whizzed about outside. Even though she was half naked, she wasn’t self-conscious because she knew the glass was one-way. The infectious love song still played repeatedly inside her head enticing her to hum along, so she did while gently swaying her hips from side to side. Feeling free and adventurous like when she was 20 years old, skipping classes to hang out with her friends at the mall, her mind ran across her good friend Alisha, whom she knew would be going to Los Angeles in a few hours. She took up her phone again and opened her Insta-face APP to contact Alisha, only to abruptly change her mind seconds later. First, she had to speak to the one person who knew her husband better than her. Raising her head to look straight in front of herself, she spoke aloud in a medium and relaxed voice. “Leonard, can we talk privately please.”

“Good morning Mrs. Phillips,” responded a deep masculine voice that sounded similar to Ian’s and didn’t appear to come from any particular place in the room. In person or voice only? You’re not dressed.”

“Voice is sufficient but since when have you been embarrassed by my nakedness.”

“I’m trying to be respectful and professional,” the voice replied.

“Ok, fair enough but please skip the formalities. This is off the record. Are you aware of any health problems with Ian? Have you done a bio-scan on him since he came back? Better yet, were you always with him in Japan?”

“As you are aware, we have several methods to maintain contact, including an implant just behind his left ear. So yes, I was always with him. Unfortunately, I can’t discuss his activities or his health at this time for security reasons.”

It felt unusual to be deflected by Leonard so Kim changed her tactic. “Ok, no problem. Do you know where Ian is now?” she calmly asked.

“He is on his way home to Oakville. I set the car’s navigation for him but he is currently delayed due to an accident on the QEW. He should arrive home in approximately 25 minutes.”

“Oh, so you are aware of his odd behavior that appears to be some sort of amnesia. Did he experience a brainwave attack?”

“Sorry Kim, but for security reasons, I cannot discuss Ian’s medical condition at this time,” Leonard reiterated.

Taken aback, Kim angrily brought her hands to her hips the same way she does when she gets upset with her children. “Oh, come on, Leonard,” she shouted while emphasizing his name. “How long have we known each other? I was the first one Ian introduced you to. You also know everything about me physically and emotionally. You know I only have my husband’s best interests at heart.”

“Kim, I acknowledge your concerns but all I can say is that I have the situation under control. I won’t let anything happen to Ian. I’ve never allowed anything bad to happen to him, you, Khadija, and the children. That protection also extends to your extended family members, your sister and all who I recognize as being good people. As you are quite aware, Ian remains a target of numerous subversive agencies and individuals. I’m monitoring billions of nano-bots and bio-engineered threats as we speak; from the foods you eat and drink to even the air you breathe.”

“Some substances collect information for the government and some for industry but most are malicious. Nothing I can’t handle though”, Leonard stated confidently. “There are many things that I keep from you, even from Ian because I know you won’t be able to handle the ramifications and worry. If I destroyed the whole world in the process of protecting you, what sense would that make? Life would not be worth living after that, would it? Therefore, the less I interfere, the better……By the way, you’re still looking as beautiful as ever. Cheer up and don’t worry.” Leonard stated in a more playful and upbeat tone before ending the conversation.

Kim’s anger transformed into a broad smile but although the compliment made her feel a little better, she still couldn’t help worrying. The thought of what Leonard said weighed heavy on her mind. How did they survive the past 15 years under constant threat as the owners of Tangler Technology, the most important invention of the past 100 years, she mused. Life is good when you don’t have to worry, she reminded herself. Please don’t let me worry, please don’t let me worry, please don’t let me worry, she repeated over and over under her breath while heading into the bathroom. “Thanks for protecting us, Leonard,” she stated aloud. A computerized clicking sound permeated throughout the bathroom prompting her to smile again.

Before entering the shower, Kim stopped to observe her nude figure in the full-length bathroom mirror. She teased at her short curly hair and observed her rounding cheeks from side to side. She took a deep breath and held it in to elevate her chest while at the same time, pulling in her abdomen. Then she observed the size and shape of her c-cup-sized breasts before moving down to her slightly pudgy stomach and exhaling again.

Her gaze then fell to her hips and thighs which she admired while turning from side to side. Finally, after turning her back fully to the mirror, she looked back to admire her best asset, which was her naturally thick butt. Using both hands, she lifted both butt cheeks at the same time then dropped them to observe the bounce. “Damn right I still got it”, she stated confidently under her breath.

She showered and dressed then set out to accomplish her day’s tasks before she had to head home to join her family in Oakville. Her itinerary included a stop at the Eaton Centre mall to do some last-minute shopping, and a stop-in at her Art Gallery to check on her staff. However, superseding all that and since Ian was no longer in her plans, get a quick bite to eat when she got to the mall. Before she left the condo, there was one other task to complete, she reminded herself. So, she retrieved Khadija’s car controller and then rode the private elevator down to the garage.

Minutes later, Kim arrived back in the Condo carrying several grocery bags and headed straight into the utility room where a large black pyramid-shaped Tangler stood dormant. She tapped the control panel and a triangular door opened to reveal a triangular-shaped glass-like interior. After placing Khadija’s bags inside and closing the door, she tapped the LCD control panel again and it lit up to display two blue animated pyramids that circled each other before settling on an options screen.

“Please provide authentication by placing a finger on the screen,” instructed a pleasant female voice so Kim placed her thumb on the screen. A series of short electronic musical notes sounded and the voice prompt spoke again.

“Authentication accepted. Several items have been detected inside the unit, all of which are safe to Tangle. Please enter a destination ID or search to find a destination Tangler by name and location.” Kim chose to enter the ID of her Oakville Tangle, which she knew by memory and the voice prompt spoke again.

“Code accepted. Please provide a password for the destination user.” Again, Kim entered a password and the Tangler accepted it.

Two blue animated pyramids began to circle each other on the control panel screen while the voice prompt spoke. “Tangle in process, please wait,” the voice instructed and 15 seconds later the screen flashed a completion notice. After opening the Tangler door to confirm that the contents were tangled, she proceeded to text the password to Khadija. 30 seconds later, Khadija responded with a thank you followed by three animated hearts.