Neuralink Implants First Human Brain Chip

José Ignacio Gavara
2 min readJan 30, 2024

In 2019, Elon Musk revealed that he had been working since 2016 on a project to implant microchips in the human brain. This announcement, initially seen as an eccentricity by the scientific and technological community, was taken seriously when, three years later, Neuralink shared a video on YouTube showing a monkey playing Pong with its mind. Recently, Musk confirmed that a human had successfully received an implant of his chip, named Telepathy.

This development aligns with the philosophy of transhumanism, which seeks to overcome current human limitations, both physical and mental, through scientific and technological advancements. Transhumanists even believe in the possibility of transcending our fragile bodies, digitalizing our essence into computers, and living eternally in virtual realities.
Indeed, improving humanity through science and technology can radically change us. Many transhumanists consider this not only desirable but inevitable.
Scientist and futurist Ray Kurzweil believes we are approaching what he calls the “singularity,” the moment when computers become smart enough to learn on their own.
From then on, and very quickly, they will become more and more intelligent, so that artificial intelligence would dominate the world, and the only way for humans to survive is to embrace it and become partly or completely artificial ourselves.



José Ignacio Gavara

Passionate about technology and AI, I like to learn and disseminate.