Modern Women Stop Men From Saying, I Do? Hmmm!

Excellingoffice Laroy Stone
4 min readMay 3, 2023


Gender roles have been a longstanding societal construct that has played a significant role in shaping our beliefs and values regarding gender and relationships. However, in recent years, these traditional gender roles have become increasingly challenged, particularly in the context of modern relationships. This has led some men to feel that these gender roles are stopping them from marrying modern women. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why gender roles may be stopping men from marrying modern women.

  1. Expectations of traditional gender roles: Many men may have grown up with the expectation that their role in a relationship is to be the provider, protector, and leader. This traditional view of masculinity can make it difficult for men to accept and embrace modern women who challenge these gender roles by being financially independent, assertive, and ambitious.


2. Fear of losing power and control: The traditional gender roles have been associated with power and control in relationships. However, as women become more empowered and independent, men may fear that they will lose this power dynamic, which can lead to feelings of insecurity and fear.

3. Fear of judgment from society: Men that marry modern women may fear being judged by society or their peers. Traditional gender roles have been ingrained in our culture for so long that anything outside of these norms can be met with criticism or disapproval.

4. Misunderstandings and miscommunication: Changing gender roles can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication in relationships. Modern women may expect their partners to share the responsibilities of the household, including childcare and housework, but men may not be prepared for this shift.

5. Difficulty in finding compatible partners: As gender roles continue to evolve, it may become increasingly challenging for men to find compatible partners who share their values and beliefs regarding gender roles in relationships. This can make it difficult for men who feel strongly about traditional gender roles to find a suitable partner.

Here are some additional points that further explore why gender roles may be stopping men from marrying modern women:

  • Fear of being emasculated: Men who strongly identify with traditional gender roles may fear that modern women who are assertive and independent may emasculate them or make them feel less masculine.
  • Difficulty in compromising: Relationships require compromise, and men who have grown up with the expectation of being the provider and protector may struggle to adapt to modern women who are financially independent and may not need them to fulfill these roles.
  • Perception of modern women as being “too demanding”: Men may view modern women who assert their needs and desires as being too demanding or difficult to please, which can make it challenging to develop a healthy and mutually satisfying relationship.
  • Fear of being replaced: As modern women become more financially independent and assertive, men may fear that they are no longer needed or valued in a relationship, leading to feelings of insecurity and fear.
  • Lack of role models: Men who grew up with traditional gender roles may not have many role models or examples of successful relationships where gender roles are more fluid or non-traditional, which can make it challenging to navigate modern relationships.
  • Prejudices and biases: Gender roles are often shaped by societal prejudices and biases, and men who have grown up with these beliefs may struggle to overcome them and fully embrace modern women who challenge these traditional roles.

If the man is not doing his best to make her happy, he will never be happy at home. The marriage is doomed because she will continue to see that he suffers until she gets her way. Remember guys (happy wife, happy life). Yeah right! So she says.

Actually, gender roles play a significant role in shaping our beliefs and attitudes toward relationships. Women have always wanted to be in control of everything that the man thinks or does (don’t tell the modern woman that). They will deny it until dooms day comes (chuckling softly). However, as these roles continue to evolve, some men may feel that they are being stopped from marrying modern women who challenge these traditional gender roles. It is important for individuals to have open and honest conversations about their expectations and beliefs regarding gender roles in relationships to ensure that they are compatible and happy in their partnerships.

It is important to note that while gender roles can play a significant role in relationships, they are not the only factor that determines compatibility and success.

