It’s okay

Excel Ukpohor
3 min readMar 17, 2023


I took very short steps as I allowed my skin to be flushed by the cool evening breeze. It was one of those evenings I wanted to be alone, so I took a walk. The sun was setting with a golden glow at a distance, peaceful. I sat on the concrete chair the boulevard offered and there I thought to myself, ‘it is okay’!

Image from Dreamstime

It’s okay to feel alone, to crave a place of solitude and peace. A place that is home to the heart and soul. There you realize that you are not alone, for we all have struggles to own. Only in there will you see that every fear is an opportunity, so draw strength in silence and develop a strategy to win in peace.

It’s okay to fail. To stumble and fall, to make mistakes, and feel the humility it brings. For we are all but mere mortals, so learn the lessons and move. For failure has the blessings of growth and a chance to raise the stakes. So don’t let fear becloud your mind, grab the offer and continue the journey.

It’s also okay to take it slow. To count your steps when you are unsure. For the human mind can be clouded with many things. So many, that your heart can ache, and the path ahead becomes a maze. So, when the race is on, and the lanes ahead of you becomes curves, take it slow and breathe. Let go off the hurries, for self-care is not a weakness, it’s a strength that brings us completeness.

It’s okay to be confused. Don’t be hard on yourself when dazed by the ways of homo sapiens, for they shall surely bemuse your mind. For human behaviors are not algebras, they are never solved in straight equations. So, when you are confused at the turn of things, allow yourself the time to reflect. For in quietness the haze shall clear.

It’s okay to cry. To let the feelings of joy or sadness run through your spines. For both are the essence of human experiences, so why pick one over the other. Tears are not the liquid evidence of weakness or strength. So, when you feel the emotions, cry! Please let it all out and feel humanity, for even dogs do cry and lions wail. In all, we are just animals.

Yea, it’s okay to take a break. To slow down, then shut it all off. For the events of the earth can wear out a man. The mind will need to rejuvenate, for every rest is an opportunity to do this. Clarity is better achieved in such moments. So, it’s okay to cut it off and rest. For what are you fighting for, if not to be alive.

My friend, it’s okay not to be perfect. To embrace our flaws and human defects. For in itself, every imperfection is beauty, a uniqueness by divinity. So, celebrate your dents and feel groovy because no one else has your design. You were wonderfully and fearfully built. Do make the best of your uniqueness and let the world appreciate who you are!

As darkness clouded the evening ahead of me, and night lights came alive, I stood up to take my leave. But first, I smiled. I smiled because it’s okay to smile. To let your facial muscles give your lips a gentle pull as you appreciate life. For life is full of ups and downs, it’s a roller coaster ride! In all, we shall all be okay in the place of faith, resilience, self-belief and hope.

So, after all these, you are still not okay, uhmmmmm, remember — It’s okay not to be okay!

Thank you for reading! Please let us continue the conversation, what else is okay for you? Let me know your thoughts, poetically, if you can. We can all draw strength and encouragement from each other’s words. And if you believe in mine above, please do share this on your various social media handles, It’s okay!

