3 min readApr 18, 2018


This is the era of digitalization where technology has taken everything by storm. If you look around, there is not even a single domain unaffected by the advancements in digitalization. One of the core fields in this regard happens to be advertising and even though we had top-notch competitors like Google AdWords and AdSense in the market for quite some time, the requirement for a decentralized system has grown exponentially.

What does it do?

Well, in the most informal or rather casual way let me sum it up — it gears up your marketing. See, the online advertising industry is worth about 230 billion dollars and this is ridiculously high with overwhelming challenges. However, with its futuristic Proof of Evidence technology, you could now perform your marketing campaigns efficiently. You would be able to not only track the campaign, but an audited ledger of spending will also be available publicly to maintain transparency.

Now, none of the merchants or service providers is bound to go through the hefty and hectic traditional payment and adverting methods where traditional insertion is still a mega problem.

This is exactly where EXCHAIN comes into play and offers the blockchain based decentralized system that could be used by an array of advertisers to promote their respective products. Let us have a look at a deal of problems solved by EXCHAIN:

Swift payment

As of yet, the payment procedure adopted by pretty much all of the payment processors is quite lengthy. See, you might not get this if you are a small-scale advertiser. However, if you offer your services to a wider base of clients and advertisers, particularly on a Global scale, then it is imminent that you cut off the financial risk by using an efficient payment processor.

Absolute transparency

This is where blockchain comes into play. Nowadays, the ad chains are reasonably long and that is understandable. But what makes it even more complicated is that this long chain comprises of tens and hundreds of intermediaries.

This scenario does not only create a mess to direct the quality of the brand, but it also lowers the total cost of serving an ad.

However, by utilizing the decentralized technology (as offered by blockchain), we are able to achieve an utmost level of transparency for impression volume and ad spending.

Fraud protection

For all the online merchants, belonging to any niche, fraud avoidance happens to be a core concern and that is precisely what the cryptocurrencies offer. This comprehensive system will provide a secure environment where hackers won’t have any access to a payment gateway.

In order to prevent any possible fraudulent activity, the system takes into account the ad spending pattern of different users and also detects any anomaly in the traffic sources to cut off or at least diminish the chances of a cyber-security event.

Considering all of the problems and their solutions mentioned above, this robust platform is readily available for all stakeholders in the advertising industry in order to avail maximum benefits of fraud protection, swift payments and an optimum level of transparency as well.

Moreover, in order to embed scalability, the EXCHAIN platform has replaced traditional insertion mechanism. This is achievable with the help of self-executable smart contracts.

Since blockchain is in the air nowadays and people seem to take it quite curiously, it should be noted that you do not have to make any changes to the architecture of your current system for making it compatible with the blockchain.

These are our official social platforms:

Telegram Chat: https://t.me/Exchain_Official

Discord: https://discord.gg/a4wupY

BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3230844.0

Medium: https://medium.com/@exchain

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EXCHAINbyEnvisionX

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EXCHAIN_EXT

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/exchain_ext/

Weibo: https://weibo.com/EXCHAINbyEnvisionx

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/11204137

Our other Telegram Chats:

Chinese EXCHAIN Telegram: https://t.me/Exchain_Official_CN

Japanese EXCHAIN Telegram: https://t.me/Exchain_Official_JP

+Many more coming!




EXCHAIN is a decentralised blockchain-based advertising platform which is driving a revolution in the digital advertising ecosystem.