Uniqueness of Exchain — Scalability

3 min readApr 21, 2018


In order for the token sale to be successful, there must be a unique idea running at its core. If we talk about Exchain from that perspective, we pretty much fall into the very parameters of this definition. Well, we are on the verge of redefining, realigning and restructuring the entire digital marketing industry by polishing the previously renowned tools and making the transactions efficient.

Whatever the industry has had for marketing in the recent past was strictly centralized. Since we are offering the following futuristic and customer-centric features, Exchain happens to be the best platform for scalability and potential outreach with efficiency.

Network speed

There is a variety of projects currently implementing blockchain technology to maintain transparency, and we if talk about the largest stakeholder, Bitcoin, the network speed is ridiculously low (maximum7 transactions per second). This ultimately leads to an overwhelming transaction cost if compared with the solution provided by Exchain.

When you listen to the term ‘storing on blockchain’, it implies two basic things:

1. The data will be stored by every node on the network unless it becomes fully occupied

2. The data will be stored forever on these blockchain nodes without any option to delete and alter at any instance

This is the reason as to why this particular data structure is overwhelmingly expensive. If we just talk about Ethereum blockchain, it is experiencing an outrageous growth of about 55 GBs per year.

Our solution has enhanced the transaction speed and efficiency of the network. Moreover, the blocks on our network possess a greater potential to store data, as compared with Bitcoin’s only 80 bytes.

Network size

It is critical to enhance the network size in order to achieve an ‘even more’ decentralized system. Exchain consists of a widely spread network of nodes (even wider than that of Bitcoin). Therefore, the network is impenetrable.

Please note that at this stage, we are not talking about network density, we are only concerned with the widespread of the nodes.


For such a bulk of data, it is important that the information and data sharing becomes feasible. Now this means interoperability between different networks of ledgers in order to bring about the overall efficiency and intelligence into the network.

Unfortunately, since the landscape of blockchain is quite fragmented at the moment, the companies have not been able to make it interoperable. However, our futuristic project makes blockchain compatible with a wider web and nests an array of processes and practices related to digital advertising into its canvas.

Therefore, once anything, such as Exchain, becomes interoperable at a mass level, it is quite likely that people and companies will start adopting it, thus elevating the scale of usage to a whole new level.

Parallel processing

As of yet, for any given transaction, there is one node for processing. Now this process is in direct contradiction with the concept of scalability. Since we are targeting the advertising niche, which has significantly higher transaction amounts and volume, the system needs to be efficient at all times.

Therefore, at Exchain, we allow multiple nodes to process a given transaction, particularly if it is computationally expensive for the network. It does not only benefit the user in terms of reduced cost and fast processing, but carbon footprint on the environment is also reduced so this solution can be implemented in a lot of different environments.

These are our official social platforms:

Telegram Chat: https://t.me/Exchain_Official

Discord: https://discord.gg/a4wupY

BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3230844.0

Medium: https://medium.com/@exchain

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EXCHAINbyEnvisionX

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EXCHAIN_EXT

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Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/11204137

Our other Telegram Chats:

Chinese EXCHAIN Telegram: https://t.me/Exchain_Official_CN

Japanese EXCHAIN Telegram: https://t.me/Exchain_Official_JP

+Many more coming!




EXCHAIN is a decentralised blockchain-based advertising platform which is driving a revolution in the digital advertising ecosystem.