Rad Reads 2020: Week 2

Julia Tornambene
4 min readJan 24, 2020
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Welcome to week two! I paused my Superstore binge to be productive and actually write. So what if it’s been almost two weeks since the last post? ;)

Writing procrastination aside, I still wake up excited to read every day. There is a wealth of interesting reads out there, and I’m sure I’ve yet to find the best of them!

Week 2 Overview:

This week’s reads were inspired by a smorgasbord of themes. Travel, career enhancement, music, trees — and, of course, poetry. I’d say too much poetry, but we all know I do not have a poetry overdose limit. Maybe next week I’ll venture into longer reads (or longer reading times).

For now, let’s unpack what we’ve got!

Jan 9

In lieu of physical activity, I decided to immerse myself in the latest happenings in the dance community. Dance has always been one half of my creative expression, but I dance very infrequently these days (a disappointing fact to admit after all the years I spent honing my craft). This touching recollection from an Alvin Ailey dancer stirred something in me. Motherhood helped her feel more deeply about a solo number she’d performed many times before. Audiences praised it as her best performance to date!

Min read: 30

Jan 10

