What Causes Hearing Loss?

Nano Hearing Aids
4 min readFeb 23, 2019


Have you noticed that your hearing isn’t what it used to be Why is this happening? Read on to learn what causes hearing loss.

In the United States, 48 million people are affected by hearing loss. These individuals display differing levels of hearing loss and come by the condition in a myriad of ways.

Are you experiencing hearing loss yourself? Wondering what causes hearing loss? There are a number of different factors which can lead to it, the most common of which will be reviewed below.

What Causes Hearing Loss?

Sometimes it’s difficult to tell where a particular case of hearing loss stems from. Other times, the cause is fairly obvious. Generally, hearing loss is caused by one of the following.

Exposure to Loud Noises

It’s unlikely that one-time exposure to loud noise will cause permanent hearing loss. The only type of case in which this could happen is when the noise is exceedingly loud.

What can, and does often cause hearing loss is prolonged exposure to louse noises. For instance, if you have a job where you work near noisy machinery every day, hearing loss is a very good possibility. You could also experience hearing loss if you listen to music at high volumes on a daily basis.

A good way to protect your hearing from loud noises is by wearing earplugs. Earplugs can block sound waves from reaching your ears, preventing any inner ear problems that may occur.


For some individuals, hearing loss is just in the cards; It’s a genetic disposition that they can’t escape. In some cases, this genetic hearing loss will present itself slowly over time. However, in other cases, affected individuals are born hard of hearing.

Usually, when genetics is the culprit, there is a disorder which accompanies the hearing loss. This is to say that such hearing loss is a symptom of said disorders. These disorders run the gamut from Alport Syndrome to Stickler Syndrome, to a variety of others.

Generally, genetic hearing loss can be helped with hearing aids. However, in some cases, other courses of treatment are needed.


The simple act of aging very often results in hearing loss. Also known as presbycusis, it occurs due to the natural deterioration of the body. Everything from impaired blood flow to incurred inner ear problems can cause it to present itself.

Typically, the hearing loss associated with aging is a high-frequency hearing loss. The affected individual might have trouble hearing bells, ringing phones, high-pitched voices, and squeaking sounds. Often times, these sounds can become muffled to the point that they annoy and irritate the affected individual.

This type of hearing loss does not occur overnight. In fact, it builds over years and years, growing progressively worse as time passes. Because of this, it can sometimes be difficult to detect.


Otosclerosis is another condition which often leads to hearing loss. Those who have this condition suffer from irregular bone growth in the ears. This is generally a genetically inherited disease.

While otosclerosis isn’t hugely common, there are still around 200,000 new cases of it in the United States every year. Those who suffer from this condition often experience ear ringing and dizziness.

Fortunately, there are treatments for otosclerosis, including cochlear implants and surgeries. Hearing aids can also be used to aid in hearing.

Usher’s Syndrome

Another condition which causes hearing loss is Usher’s Syndrome. This syndrome is genetic and comes in three different forms.

Those with Type 1 Usher’s are born deaf. Those with Type 2 Usher’s are born with hearing loss. Those with Type 3 Usher’s are born with standard hearing ability but have a propensity for losing their hearing over time.

While there is no treatment for Usher’s Syndrome, cochlear implants and hearing aids are often used to help the hearing of the affected.

Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s Disease is another medical condition which can result in hearing loss. Those suffering from this condition deal with an impairment of the fluid in their ears.

Symptoms of Meniere’s Disease include dizziness, ear ringing, nausea, and, of course, loss of hearing. Generally, hearing loss occurs after the fluid has built up in the ear.

Fortunately, there are treatments available to help relieve the symptoms of Meniere’s Disease. Medications and hearing aids are the most commonly used treatments.

Physical Trauma

Physical trauma is another common cause of hearing loss. Any sudden impact on the ears or the area around the ears could potentially result in hearing impairment.

Some common scenarios in which the ears are met with physical trauma include sporting events, car accidents, and slips & falls. In most cases, hearing loss will occur due to either eardrum or ossicular chain impairment.

While hearing loss due to physical trauma is often just temporary, it can be permanent. If it’s permanent, it can sometimes be treated with surgery or hearing aids.

Specific Medicines

Unfortunately, there are also some medications that can cause hearing loss. Though these medications don’t typically impair a person’s hearing, the possibility is always there. Generally, you have to take more than the recommended dose to experience his side effect.

These medications include aspirin, ibuprofen, antibiotics, and chemotherapy medicine, to name just a few.

Most medicines will cause nothing more than a temporary hearing loss. However, in some cases, temporary hearing loss will occur. If the hearing loss does present itself over the long-term, hearing aids can be used to counteract it.

Benign Tumors

In rare cases, benign tumors will grow between a person’s inner ear and brain. These tumors are not at all dangerous but can result in hearing loss.

Known as acoustic neuroma, this condition also results in ear ringing, loss of balance, and vertigo.

If the tumors are small, they can simply be monitored. If they are large, surgery or radiation therapy might be needed.

Combat Your Hearing Loss Head On

Now that you know what causes hearing loss, you might be interested in combating it. If so, Nano Hearing Aids is the company to call. We sell hearing aids of all kinds, helping our many customers to use their ears in the way that they did in their youth.

Are you interested in buying hearing aids? Check out our selection now!



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