Jago Last Wish — UX Case Study

Deni Saputra
5 min readSep 28, 2022


Disclaimer : i’ve participated in the UI/UX Design Mastery that held by Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia since August 2022. This program organized by Skilvul as partner training and Bank Jago as challenge partner.


In this UI/UX design mastery program we have to choose a case study that provided by Skilvul. We need to form a team, there is me, Berlian Putri, Almyra Rose, Muhammad Arif, and Putu Roby Adhitya Sapanca and we choose Bank Jago (Jago Last Wish) as case study challenge partner for the final project.

Jago Last Wish is the feature of Bank Jago apps that hopefully use to make plans that anticipate unforeseen events in the future that could affect the livelihoods and/or well-being of their families. It is also possible for our users to use this feature for social purposes, contributing to their environment and community even after death. In this case study, Bank Jago challenge is to find a solution from this feature to make it more fun and less complicated.

The objective of this case study

  1. knowing user behavior when using jago last wish.
  2. knowing the feature that user like, dislike, what’s needed from jago last wish.
  3. create simple look that generally easier for best usability.

Design Process

To solve the problem that user had, we choose design thinking process as our method to get best result for this challenge.

Skilvul — Design Thinking


The first step is we need to know what user has been through, what’s their problem. Bank Jago already set up the user’s criteria and we’re doing the secondary research (find reference case bout life insurance, doing AMA session with challenge partner, competitor analys, etc) to learn more about the life insurance next to describe what user problem.

Secondary Research — Empathize stage


From information that we had on empathize stage, we analyzed and defined the main problem that user experience. As the result we prioritized some pain points that shown in the following image :

Define Stage

Based on the pain points we create HMW (How Might We) by brainstroming what is the best solution for those problem and voting the solution that the most usefull solution for it

Define Stage


Next step is to create solution idea from How Might We, by discussion with team we rearrange which are the great way solution for the problem into prioritization ideas

Ideate Stage

In this step we’re selecting which ideas need to do first and what’s next. By following this idea, the next part is we create the user flow to understand the flow of the feature.

User flow created according to the task function.



After creating the flow, we should bring UI into wireframe (low-fidelity). In this project we use figma as a tool to finished the prototype. By creating the wireframe, it’ll show us the raw of our page layout looked like.

Low-Fidelity UI

Style Guide

UI Mock Up

High-Fidelity UI

Figma — Prototyping

Jago Last Wish Prototype


The last thing to do is testing the prototype that has been made. We do this process by creating Stimulus User Research and Research Method In-depth interview.

After we find respondent that match with the criteria, then we schedule to do interview through Zoom Meeting apps and asking the question that already made in Stimulus User Research.

Zoom Documentation

Single Ease Question ( SEQ)

SEQ (Single Ease Question) is a post task questionnaire that used to show the level of ease of a product feature based on user experience by using only one question.

After user complete the task, we asking the level of usability, difficulty, and satisfaction each time the user done with the task on a Likert scale from 1 to 7.

Record Data User Reaseach

Based on the SEQ results, we passed the test. The UI that we have shown were easy to use and way to make information accessible. But there are some feedback that we noted.


Based on the testing result with user, the UI that we used still need more improvement and even with better UX of Bank Jago — Jago Last Wish feature. This project is quite challenging since life insurance is a completely new thing for me. It’s my first time creating UX case study but it feels amazing. Come up with zero knowledge about UI/UX and now learned a lot bout UI/UX.


The next recommendation is to improve the UI and simplify the user flow of it .

That’s all for now. I’ll get my next case study soon, so be patient. Thank you for reading the Case Study. Feedbacks are always welcome.

