Introducing the Google Keyboard with Chrome Shortcuts

Article Exchange
1 min readDec 13, 2016


With shortcut keys that open a Google Doc and toggle between your Drive Photos so you can work five times as fast, this is sure to be a Blogger’s best friend.

But it’s not just functional with the most popular apps offered by Chrome, it has a Chrome button that syncs with your preferred (i.e. most used) App; for instance; let’s say you use Ad Blocker: you visit a news site and want to disable the Blocker quickly: tap the button (next to the control key where the Windows button is on MS keyboards)

Using the application G Board it really wouldn’t be that big of a jump.

I know millions that would buy it; (too bad such a keyboard doesn’t actually exist.)

Is this a job for Kickstarter or will Google check another thing off our wishlist?

> What do you think? Would programmers, bloggers, developers, designers, creators, students and teachers enjoy using a Google Keyboard for their computer?

We’d like to know!

Becky Kind contributed to this weird article from the weird people Article Exchange



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