exhibition display

exhibition display
2 min readJun 14, 2019


Our Creative Exhibition Displays Widely Used for Effective Brand Promotion

At Virtual On, we design and create innovative, colourful, custom-built exhibition displays. Our ingenious, personalized exhibition display products can effectively help in successful promotion of your business brands. If you are planning to organize or participate in an upcoming exhibition, product launch or trade event and making it a success, our personalized, creative, audience engaging exhibits and displays can help you excel. Our exhibition displays come in wide varieties such as:

  • 3d Holographic Display Projectors- A successful blend of the holographic projector and latest image processing technology, the virtual holographic platform is extremely popular and useful for business brand promotion purposes.
  • Levitation Display — One of our latest video technology solutions, it creates an impression of seeing your product floating in the air without the support of wires. This can easily captivate the attention of your audience and arouse in them interest and thirst to know more about your product.
  • Holographic Fan Display- This is an extremely cost-effective, simple and easy to use display for exhibition which functions by creating impression of a hologram suspended in the air.
  • Freestanding Totem- This is one of our most popular indoor touch screen kiosks useful for advertisements or providing public information. This is widely available in shopping malls, information providing centers and hotels.
  • 3d Holographic Screens- These are extremely popular in museums, trade events or exhibitions and you can choose from a wide assortment of shapes and sizes.
  • Touch Kiosk- One of our finest creations, the elegant Touch Kiosk comes equipped with cooling and dust protection technology. An extremely fast touch screen solution it can operate all day long.
  • Virtual Mannequin Presenter- This is one of our most amazing creations which can be used for effective interaction with your target audience and engage their attention.
  • Touch Table- This highly interactive indoor display solution can be used to successfully interact with your target audience and effectively impart information on your business product.
  • Holographic Stage- The largest exhibition display unit, the holographic stage provides a wider platform for demonstrating a three dimensional hologram. This can make your business presentations and conferences more animated and interesting.

All of our display solutions are extremely creative, popular and can help you make a huge positive impact on your business brand promotion. We are one of the leading video technology companies in the world with our products and services being widely available in the UK, EU and US. For more information on our products and services please feel free to call us or send us a mail.

