I’ve just read my first blog post and it is soooo boring — part 1

Brad Banardict
3 min readAug 1, 2022


I’ve read many a blog but it never crossed my mind to write one until there was a rush of blood to the head about a fortnight ago.

It took a few weeks to sort out how to get it into the ether because I was absolutely naïve about things technical. Now I’m not so sure it was a good idea. It is like hearing a recording of myself doing karaoke. That was gruesome and never happened again. But this is different. The general topic of interest is, “Some words about some words in the Bible.” That word, “Bible,” seems to generate much offense nowadays so, if it disturbs you, best you don’t waste emotional energy here and move to a more clement environment. When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of encouraging those that do. You decide.

I used to joke that the detail that made me a boring person is what brought the Scriptures alive for me. I see now that it was not a joke. The content was not boring but the presentation was. Fortunately for you, I found the delete button.

So let’s start again.

About the person

I have no idea what I’m doing here, nor what I’m doing.

We live in an era when:-

  • Only whites can be racists
  • Only men can be sexists
  • Only misogyny is bad — but misandry gooood.
  • Only Christians can be bigots.
  • Only Baby-Boomers know nothing.
  • Only those prepared to take responsibility are privileged.
  • Only those prepared to work their way through College are advantaged.
  • Only those prepared to produce have no right to what they produce.
  • Only those who are prepared to invest in the future are lucky.
  • Only those prepared to take risks owe the rest of Society a debt if the risk pays off.
  • Only those who think carefully before forming an opinion can be fobiacs.
  • Only those who achieve can be greedy.
  • Only those who worked hard, took risks, and competed for success in order to provide the taxes to pay for the privileges now enjoyed in this country now have to check their own privilege.

I’m Mr Intersectionality on steroids. If it wasn’t for Jesus I would have died of Cancellation the first time I checked my Privilege!

Before even starting you should know something about me so you can decide if it worth carrying on. Here is a partial extract from my list of achievements:-

• The only theological qualification I have is that, by the Grace of God, I could read when I left primary school.

• To my knowledge I have never, “Brought anyone to the Lord.”

• I have made a number of starts of things that I thought were a God Idea which turned out to be just a good idea that have gone down in flames. This could follow suite.

• Church management does not pursue me to make theological contributions to the Assembly.

• Experience, so far, is that my natural level of incompetence is setting up the chairs in the hall before Sunday Service. (However, not the sound system.)

  • It has been said that I’m an Epistemophiliac but that is unfair because I eschew obfuscation.
  • I’ve never had an original thought that I’ve recognised so plagiarism probably abounds. If you recognise your own work, be flattered that it was worth stealing.

There are obviously many, many good Theological Blogs on the Internet. There are also many, many bad ones. It is up to you to decide which end of the scale this one lies. It is amazing that it should cross my mind to enter a domain where I’m obviously outclassed by people around me who know things. There is no ambition to seek personal glory, gather a following, make money, convert or convince anyone to my way of thinking, or even engender (will that word cause trouble?) discussion.

It may be, however, that there are other faceless Saints out there (perhaps only one. . . sometimes . . . for a little while) who could be encouraged by what will appear on the pages and be inspired to delve further for the Glory of God.

That’s enough about me. Let’s talk about you. What do you think of me?

There will be more about the mechanics of the blog next time.

All Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.



Brad Banardict

I’m a chubby little guy relying entirely on God’s Grace to get to Heaven.