EXMO Coin at two Blockchain Conferences in Dallas

3 min readApr 5, 2018


The EXMO Coin team became a part of the Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Blockchain Super Conference on February 16–18, 2018.

Simon Cocking, our esteemed adviser, travelled with the team yet again to share the logic of the EXMO Coin with the world. Simon became a part of the investing panel at the conference and talked about the prospects of investing in a crowdsale by an already successful business along with other investing gurus in the field. You may see what it was like here.

In the meantime, the rest of our team mingled around and answered questions about EXMO Coin, as any conference is a great opportunity to get in touch with fellow enthusiasts and spread the word about what makes all of you passionate.

The Blockchain Super Conference brought together about a thousand blockchain enthusiasts, thinkers, entrepreneurs, developers, and investors. All in all, it was fun!

The conference became a speaking venue for some of the most well-known blockchain people like John McAfee, Tim Draper, Erik Vorhees, Charlie Shrem, Igor Telyatnikov, John Gotts, Shawn Owen, Michael Terpin, and others. The list of participants included thought leaders and respected players across the world of Bitcoin, Ethereum and Blockchain, and we could not miss the chance to be presented there too.

The EXMO Coin team did not stop there though: we continued with the Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Conference, the next conference in Dallas that took place on February 22–24.

It became an excellent occasion for us to discuss the legal side of the industry with the fellow representatives of the blockchain field. After all, over $1 billion worth of cryptocurrency has been invested in 2017 through different ICOs. The legality of such fundraising is at the peak of public concern internationally, thus became a lively topic of various discussions at the conference.

The EXMO booth in the exhibition area was open to all who were curious to learn more about the EXMO platform itself, as well as our upcoming crowdsale.

Sophia Neduzhko, the head of PR, was asked to provide a brief overview of our crowdsale by several conference attendees and the event organizers. She shared her thoughts on the idea and the rationale behind the EXMO Coin crowdsale.

Check out the Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Con 2018 YouTube channel for more videos from the conference.

For more EXMO Coin updates follow us on Telegram, Twitter and Facebook!




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