10 IT Certifications to Have in 2022

Johnathan Lightfoot
7 min readDec 26, 2021

In the name of full transparency, please be aware that this blog post contains affiliate links to study guides for each of the certifications listed and any purchases made through such links will result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost for you).

IT certifications can help you develop in your career, whether you’re new to it or have been working in it for a long. Ten of the most well-known entry-level IT certifications are listed here.

An IT certification is a document that verifies your knowledge of a specific subject of information technology (IT). To acquire a certification, you must frequently pass a test that evaluates your sector knowledge and talents.

Obtaining a certification may result in improved job performance as well as increased job market competitiveness. An IT certification on your resume may also assist hiring managers in rapidly evaluating your abilities. Certifications are also linked to higher salaries, according to a 2020 study by Global Knowledge: IT professionals who received a raise as a result of gaining a new certification had an average pay increase of $13,000.

Certifications aren’t the only way to get a job in the IT field. There is evidence, however, that the right qualification can lead to a deluge of job benefits. If you’re looking for a methodical way to learn new abilities and get a credential, a certification could be beneficial.

10 IT certifications for newbies

