A Very Merry Christmas with

ExoPlanets Beta Game Launch!

4 min readDec 24, 2018

We are very proud to announce that ExoPlanets is now the first real-time multiplayer fully playable 3D browser game in the crypto gaming industry!

We have integrated our alpha multiplayer demo with the Ethereum blockchain, and thus gave birth to the official beta of the ExoPlanets mining game! This is a huge step forward, both for ExoPlanets development and the crypto gaming industry! Brining real gaming experience to the crypto gaming world is a big boost to mass adoption.

It has taken a lot of time, effort and sweat to make this happen, but it is now live for you, our early adopters, to try it out, play and mine real tokens! Let’s make crypto gaming a real gaming experience.

The beta will enable ExoPlanets owners to play against each other in a race to mine as many resources as they can before all the resources are depleted, and then convert them to our ERC20 ExoTokens.

The race will start every 8 hours, in which the galaxy timer will restart itself and will be refreshed with new resources to mine. The sooner you launch a spaceship after such restart, the better your chances are to mine the most resources possible before other players join in and mine them too!

If you don’t own an ExoPlanet yet, make sure to check out our galactic market and find the one you like best! We will be giving out some ExoTokens to new players so you can try out the beta too!

Check out this cool gameplay video!

Basic rules of the game:

  • You must own an ExoPlanet and have enough ExoTokens in order to launch a spaceship and play.
  • Launching a spaceship costs 5 ExoTokens. you can exit the game and come back as many times as you want without paying again until the galaxy refreshes. Every time the galaxy is refreshed you will have to launch a new spaceship.
  • Use the mouse and keyboard to navigate and control your spaceship in space. Same control applies to your drone when you land on a planet’s surface. Spacebar is used to move/stop, and the mouse is used to control the directions and mine.
  • Bringing your drone to the flagged base on the planet will allow you to send a mining transaction on the Ethereum blockchain and receive tokens to your Ether wallet.
  • For now, the galaxy will reset every 8 hours. When it is reset all players, spaceships and drones will disappear and all resources will be regenerated. There is a total of 129 resources units available in the galaxy after every galactic refresh.
  • If you had resources that you mined in your inventory when the refresh happened, they are lost. So make sure to convert your resources to ExoTokens before that happens.
  • You can land on a resource planet, mine, and then relaunch back to space and fly to another planet without losing your mined resources.
  • Every resource mined is worth 1 ExoToken. That means that if you mine 20 resources you will get 20 ExoTokens after sending the transaction.
  • Sending any kind of transaction on the Ethereum blockchain requires the player to pay for gas, which is paid with Ether.
  • The game is currently a desktop version working on Chrome browser only.
  • This is a beta, so keep in mind that it might contain bugs and other issues, please treat it as one and let us know if you find any!

Useful Tips:

  • You will have more chances finding resources right when the galaxy resets. If you log in a few hours after the refresh, most chances are that other players mined them all before you and you will land on empty planets.
  • Fly to a different planet immediately after each reset and check out how many resources are available on it. Some planets contain more resources than others!
  • Stay tuned for special events and mining contests on our Twitter, Discord and Telegram!

Are you ready to play? Make sure your notifications are on in our Telegram/Discord and get ready to receive the link for the open Beta!

Enjoy, have fun and spread the good word!
Merry Christmas and the best new crypto year!
The ExoPlanets.io Team.

