The Different Mudras and Poses of Lord Shiva Idols Explained

Exotic India
4 min readMay 23, 2023
10" Sitting Lord Shiva in Blessing Gesture | Brass Statue

Millions of people around the world revere and worship Lord Shiva, the Supreme God of the Hindu pantheon. His divine presence can be seen in the form of elaborate idols that display a variety of mudras (hand motions) and poses. These mudras and poses have significant meaning and provide glimpses into Lord Shiva’s divine features and cosmic powers. In this essay, we’ll embark on a fascinating journey through the various mudras and poses found in Lord Shiva idols, delving into their meaning and spiritual implications.

The Nataraja Pose: Lord Shiva as the Cosmic Dancer

The Nataraja pose, which depicts Lord Shiva as the cosmic dancer, is one of the most iconic poses associated with him. Lord Shiva is represented in this pose with four arms, one leg elevated and the other resting on a demon. The Nataraja pose depicts the universe’s eternal rhythm, with Lord Shiva acting as the cosmic conductor, managing creation and destruction.

34" Large Brass Shiva | The Nataraja In Ananda-Tandava

The Abhaya Mudra: Fearlessness and Protection

The Abhaya mudra is a protective and fearless gesture. Lord Shiva is frequently represented with his right hand raised in a reassuring and blessing gesture, reassuring his devotees that they need not fear. This mudra represents divine protection and the removal of fear from individuals who seek consolation in Lord Shiva.

The Dhyana Mudra: Meditation and Inner Stillness

Lord Shiva is depicted in the Dhyana mudra seated, both hands lying on his lap, palms facing upward. This mudra symbolizes meditation, inner calm, and deep thought. It serves as a reminder to practitioners to pursue the path of self-realization and spiritual awakening in order to find peace within the chaos of the world.

8" Lord Shiva Idol In Dhyana Mudra | Brass Statue

The Tripundra: Symbol of Spiritual Wisdom

Lord Shiva and his devotees wear the Tripundra as a sacred mark. It is made up of three horizontal lines drawn across the forehead that represent spiritual wisdom, purity, and the transcendence of the three states of existence — waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. The Tripundra is a symbol of striving for spiritual wisdom and enlightenment.

The Ardhanarishvara: Union of Divine Masculine and Feminine

The Ardhanarishvara is a unique portrayal of Lord Shiva that shows him as half-male and half-female. The pose represents the universe’s combination of divine masculine and feminine energy. It represents the harmony and balance of conflicting energies, emphasizing Shiva’s (pure consciousness) and Shakti’s (divine energy) inseparability.

38" Large Size Ardhanarishvara : The Half Male and Half Female Form of Shiva In Brass | Handcrafted In India

The Aghora Mudra: Transcending Fear and Attachment

Lord Shiva is associated with the Aghora mudra, which is a powerful gesture. The palm is shown facing outward, with the index finger extended and the remaining fingers bent. This mudra symbolizes letting go of fear, attachment, and ignorance. It represents the seeker’s courage in overcoming worldly restrictions and embracing spiritual liberation.

The Vajra Mudra: Inner Strength and Thunderbolt of Enlightenment

Lord Shiva is depicted in the Vajra mudra with his hands crossed over his chest and a thunderbolt (vajra) in each hand. This mudra represents inner power, resolve, and the ability to overcome challenges on the path of spiritual growth. It depicts the enlightenment thunderbolt that shatters illusions and leads to a profound realization.

The Trishula: Triumph over Evil and Ignorance

Lord Shiva’s three-pronged weapon, the Trishula, is a powerful symbol of his strength to defeat evil and ignorance. The three prongs reflect time’s three sides — past, present, and future — as well as nature’s three gunas (qualities): sattva, rajas, and tamas. The Trishula encourages followers to rise above their negative thoughts and embrace divine wisdom.

Small Brass Trishul (Inferior Quality)


Lord Shiva statues portray mudras and poses that are rich in symbolism and spiritual importance. Each gesture and posture carries a deeper significance, inviting devotees to go into the realms of divine consciousness and transcendental wisdom. Understanding Lord Shiva’s many mudras and positions allows us to obtain insights into the profound teachings of Hindu spirituality and the path to self-realization. May Lord Shiva’s divine presence inspire us to pursue enlightenment and embrace the sacred unity of the material and spiritual realms.



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