Stay Hungry and Stay Foolish

5 min readMar 3, 2022

What is the worst thing that can happen to you in life? Is it hunger or being called foolish by others? Can you stay hungry? Can you just stay foolish? These questions I believe are seriously giving you some sense of concern especially as you are trying to understand the direction of this post. well, I am not here to make you feel good rather I have chosen to make every post a thing of a serious thought-provoking process for anyone who as much as cares to read through it.

The truth is that we have been pampered enough right from the cradle and even as some of us are gradually nearing the grave. The most important thing I have learnt as a writer is to always tell my audience the painful truth irrespective of how they may receive it. The world we live in is already filled with so much negative energy that we need not keep lying or deceiving ourselves anymore.

The last time I checked, we just celebrated the coming of the New Year and I remembered how most of us made of one resolution or the other because we are always ready to do that once another year comes. In reality, do we do as much as we can to live by those resolutions? Some have already forgotten their resolution to learn one skill or the other in this New Year and their minds are seriously not aware that this year has already started and is about to finish.

This is why we see ourselves wasting time every day by living a life of procrastination. One major thing we forget always is that we do not have control of what happens every second of our life and we keep living as though we have control over them. I have seen people with good plans and well thought out ways of achieving such plans just fall to one sickness or disease which led to their death. If they were told that they may never see through those plans they have made, I bet such persons would never believe it, now, this takes me to the business of the day and I wish you will pay serious attention to this post.

Stay Hungry

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Don’t misunderstand this to be coming from the angle of negativity or should I say fasting or any religious connections. When I say stay hungry, I say from the aspect of self-fulfilment and growth, you can also see it as self valuation or worth. Let me ask us this important question; do you ever feel like you want more when it comes to getting knowledge? The very first challenge we all face in life is the challenge of learning and understanding that being an Oliver Twist is what we need in life to succeed. Yes, you heard me right you need to become an Oliver Twist if you wish to achieve success in anything you do in life. This is our biggest challenge in life and it has an eating dip into our minds that we even condemn those who always want more. We most times see them as the bad eggs of the family and society at large and this has become the basis of our numerous setbacks in life.

Let us look at it this way. Whenever you are hungry for food and you end up not eating enough food in other to quench the hunger, do you just relax and continue as though you do not need more food especially when you know how you can get more food? This is exactly what happens to us when we set out for knowledge and give up halfway because we feel we have acquired enough. The entire capacity of the human brain cannot be used up throughout man’s lifetime even if the person lives up to 200 years.

If the brain cannot be exhausted in our lifetime as humans no matter how long we lived, why then do you get tired of searching for more knowledge? I believe that true knowledge is progressive which is why once a certain level is acquired, one begins to strive for a higher level. Do you get hungry for more or are you always fed up with any little knowledge acquired? This is the great difference between great men and women in our world today. The key to unlocking the door to every level of success is the ability to Stay Hungry for more.

Stay Foolish

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Don’t get it all wrong by thinking that I am trying to lay insult on anyone. The truth is that once you make people understand that you know, you have successfully reduced the chances of such persons teaching you any new idea they have acquired. To stay foolish is not to be a fool rather it is the ability to always open you for more knowledge irrespective of where it is coming from. Have you heard about Humility in Learning? This is the greatest challenge we all face as we embark on our journey in life. Most times we become so proud that we miss our only chance of getting the knowledge that could have placed us on the moon. When you walk into a class either zoom or physical and you see that someone who is very much younger than you is going to be your teacher or mentor, what comes to your mind?

Do you still feel comfortable enough to continue with the class or do you feel embarrassed? The truth about knowledge is that it does not have an Age limit or Gender discrepancy. This is why you must always be ready to be foolish in other to learn more. Don’t ever allow yourself to believe that you have learnt it all in life irrespective of your status or wealth. Remember that there is always space for improvement in that which you are already doing as a means of survival.

It is better to Stay Hungry and Foolish than to lose life-changing opportunities because you allowed pride to get a better part of you. Always be reminded that learning is a continuous process and it only ends in death. I am happy you read through this article today. Thank you and see you at the top.

First Published by me in readcash

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