Accountability Can Feel Like An Attack -- Calling Out Predators And Calling Forth Community Action

Chelsea Richardson
5 min readJan 6, 2019


Accountability can feel mean, unkind, and not compassionate.

Accountability can feel like an attack when you are not willing to acknowledge how your behavior affects another.

Wrathful compassion is a thing. All buddhas have a peaceful side, and a wrathful side.

When the ones committing violence continue to do so after every possible approach and energetic frequency imaginable, it’s not that the pleas were not nice enough.

Its often not a one time ordeal, or a one time conversation. Many conversations have been had.

Over years evidence is ignored, then criticized and inverted, then shamed and ridiculed.

There is a difference of frequency between a lie built from fiction and an inversion of truth.

Telling the ones who are naturally way more self reflective and have the willingness and ability to change, that they need to do their own part and be responsible... is not the crowd to be talking to.

Someone with a criminal mind does not reflect the way an empath does, and they love the other to go through processing loops, including understanding them better than they know themselves, while they remain the same.

Its responsible for the women to own her part, do her work, AND take action to not be in contact with the predators for the frequencies that come through them are toxic, including their allies.

Yet predatory people dont want that... they would prefer to use the new cage movement to keep the victims reflecting, thinking if they were just fully healed then the rapist would stop... and not actually speak up or act.

It’s a loop.

I’ve seen enough shaming of the kind hearted folks who speak up against violence to resort back to their natural state, while the ones who get off from manipulating, lying, raping and cheating are far from being able to actually anchor those benevolent frequencies, yet they can put on a damn good act as they lure the be nice chains towards the bright souls here to create change.


Get back in line and be compassionate!

NVC, Non-Violent Communication, can be weilded as a weapon.

Instead of going through the discomfort of acknowledging ones own and others inappropriate actions, some would rather tone police the ones speaking out, an attempt to make them appear unruly and threatening of the peace.

It's a way to flip responsibility and make the one who's highlighting the discord appear to be needing help.

What they fail to acknowledge is the ones speaking out are actually there to stop the harm, and NVC has become a spiritual bypassing tool to make them "say it nicer and sweeter".

How it works is they pressure the ones who were harmed or speaking up around it to go into a more complacent, relaxed stance by encouraging "the right way of communicating"... compassionately and emphatically.

This is specifically asked to be directed towards the one harming others, not the ones being harmed.

The ones being harmed are often treated disrespectfully, such as pushed to see how they somehow created all of this, as if they initiated the violence. This is weaponizing a mature souls skills against them, shaming them into self reflection, yet then not expecting the same of the abuser.

This thereby puts the ones who were harmed into an even more vulnerable place and then their healing becomes the focus. The attention comes off from the one initiating violence. This is how the pattern loops.

Note that this "responsibility check" happens without any true responsibility yet taken from the other party. Thereby the action step of the prey self reflecting gets them in an endless loop, making their minds believe the whole scenario was their fault. Meanwhile while they have the ability to not get into a scenario like this again, the predator keeps going.

What is also missing here is acknowledging the natural and normal emotions of frustration, anger and shock.

What is missing from these "noble cries for compassion", along with the condescending and suppressive statements of "as your friend I advise you to speak more this way..." is also acknowledging how that compassionate strategy was already used, and then ignored. Compassion came forth and then in return it was ridiculed or twisted to appear unfounded.

There are people who teach NVC yet use it as a tool to get out from being held responsible and accountable for their part.

During initial confrontations, that compassionate dialogue happened, yet was seen as a weak response by the ones who need to hold themselves accountable. For them, someone being responsible and empathetic is a get out of jail card. Its not threatening them, nor something to budge with or make big changes around. And then even worse, later on has been used as a way to make the compassionate one appear guilty.

Essentially, a casualty from the system they created means nothing unless that casualty begins to speak up and threaten their system. Changes dont happen in systems like these unless their energy supply runs low. No amount of horrific stories affects the games they are playing.

A woman’s healthy anger who says "Enough!" threatens a system designed to serve serial perpetrators, dim the pure of hearts and exploit the innocent. A man’s healthy anger and confronting warrior energy terrifies a system dependent upon deploying mental loops and mind games to seduce and soothe the course of righteous action.

Urging her to speak in a way that does not light up other souls awarenesses and insights is rooting on darkness, an attempt to maintain lack of truthful, passionate information.

It becomes clear what agenda is working through a body when conversations like this happen.

Healthy anger is allowed to be included within conversations that involve repetitive harm against bodies. It is natural to respond with wrathful compassion when there has been repetitive silencing, shaming, distracting, twisting and distancing from the pioneers stories who had the courage, intelligence and bravery to take a stand and speak up for true accountability and real evolutionary change.

We are allowed to remove from power the ones who are not able to responsibly hold their position, title or job as we make way for the pure of hearts to rise.


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Chelsea Linda Richardson
Intuitive Collaboration Sessions
Ceremonial Energy Exchanges

