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Metaweb: The Future Internet

1 min readMar 28, 2023


It is safe to say that we are all past the uncertainty regarding web 3.0 & whether it will be able to revolutionize how we use the internet.

But it will be more interesting to see how Web 3.0 and the metaverse interconnects.

Metaverse is the next big thing in how we experience the internet or interact with each other. You can call it 3D internet where you can connect with your family or friends or get on a fun office call with people spread in different countries & interact with them as you would physically. It’s still in the infant stage but it’s a start to something that we all have been watching in the movies.

One of the most popular examples is the Travis Scott concert in the Fortnite game.

Metaweb or a decentralized platform where users own their data and can communicate with other users through Virtual Reality, is already having a huge buzz in the market, everyone is talking about this & it will be very exciting to see what is stored in the future. And you can see this already happening with technological advancements that these two technologies are getting closer.

I am excited to see what’s stored in future !

