iOS Font Size Guidelines for Universal App

3 min readNov 19, 2021

When we design an iPhone or iPad app but we are not sure what font size to use?
So here are iOS font size guidelines

iPhone Typography Guidelines


→ iOS has some big title of 34 pt if it will scroll then 17 pt


→ In List View, the item title should be Medium with 17 pt size.
→ Item Description should be Regular with 15 pt size.
→ Item body should be regular with 15 pt.

Form Controls

→ In button, Text should be Semibold with 17pt.

→ In the segment, In active item text size should be 15pt with Medium.
→ Active item text size should be 15pt with semibold.

→ In text Input, the text size should be 17pt with Regular.

Action Bar

→ We are familiar with the action bar in the bottom of the screen
→ In the Action bar, Tab bat title should be medium with a 10pt size

iPad Typography Guidelines

→ In iPad, the app title should be semibold with 17pt size

→ Other are bigger with regular and 28pt size like bottom image:-


→ The apple popup is a good example of modals

→ In the alert, the Title text should be Medium with 17pt
→ Description text should be regular with 13pt
→ Text Input should be Regular with 13pt
→ Cancel action should be Regular with 17pt and Default action should be Medium with 17pt




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