Keeping Lizards at Bay: Effective Control Strategies in Dubai

Expert Pest Control Dubai
2 min readMar 28, 2024


Dubai’s warm climate and urban landscape make it a favorable habitat for various types of wildlife, including lizards. While these reptiles play a role in the ecosystem, their presence in homes and buildings can be unsettling for residents. Implementing effective lizard control measures is essential for maintaining a comfortable living environment in Dubai.

Understanding Lizard Behavior:

Lizards are cold-blooded reptiles that are commonly found in urban areas, including residential buildings, gardens, and parks. They are attracted to warm and humid environments and often seek shelter indoors during extreme weather conditions. Lizards primarily feed on insects, making them beneficial for controlling pest populations, but their presence indoors can be unwelcome.

Effective Lizard Control Measures:

  1. Seal Entry Points: Prevent lizards from entering your home by sealing any gaps or cracks in walls, windows, and doors. Pay attention to areas where pipes, wires, and cables enter the building, as these are common entry points for lizards.
  2. Reduce Food Sources: Lizards are attracted to areas with abundant insect activity, so reducing the presence of insects can help deter them. Keep your home clean and free of crumbs, spills, and food debris, and promptly fix any plumbing leaks or standing water sources that may attract insects.
  3. Declutter Your Surroundings: Remove piles of debris, woodpiles, and stacks of cardboard from around your property, as these can provide hiding spots for lizards. Keep outdoor areas well-maintained and free of clutter to discourage lizard habitation.
  4. Use Repellents: There are several natural and commercial lizard repellents available that can help deter lizards from entering your home. These repellents often contain ingredients such as peppermint oil, garlic, or citrus, which are unpleasant to lizards but safe for humans and pets.
  5. Professional Pest Control: In cases of severe infestations or persistent lizard activity, seeking the assistance of a professional pest control service is recommended. Pest control experts have the knowledge, experience, and specialized equipment to effectively identify and eliminate lizards from your property.


While encountering lizards in Dubai is not uncommon, taking proactive steps to control their presence can help maintain a harmonious living environment. By implementing the aforementioned control measures and remaining vigilant, you can successfully manage lizard populations and enjoy peace of mind in your home. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to lizard control in Dubai.



Expert Pest Control Dubai

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