How to Pick the Right Artificial Turf For Your Needs

3 min readDec 7, 2022

Choosing the right artificial turf for your needs is important to ensure a great look and feel, and a long lifespan. There are several factors that can affect your choice. First, consider your budget. Buying a high-quality product will be an investment and you want to be sure that you will get your money’s worth. You may also need to consider the climate in your area and the weather conditions during the installation. Also, consider the amount of foot traffic the turf will see. If it is used for outdoor play, then you may want to choose a product that is more durable.

Another factor to consider is the backing. When you buy artificial grass, you should look for backing that is permeable to water. This is especially important if you live in an area with a lot of rainfall. Water can build up on the surface, making it difficult to remove.

Artificial grass with a 100% permeable backing allows water to pass through. That is important if you have pets. A pet can also use the grass as their toilet, and the grass will need to be permeable for them to do so.

Another important factor to consider is the amount of fibers in the product. This is known as the pile height. You can achieve a lush look by choosing a higher pile height, but it is more expensive. You may also want to choose a product that has a low pile height if you are planning to use it for children’s play.

If you plan on using the turf for pets, look for a product with a foam underlay. This will make the turf more cushiony and will absorb shock. A sub-base can also be a useful tool, as it keeps the turf smooth and stable. You may also want to add drainage tiles if your area receives a lot of rainfall.

If you are going to install your artificial grass yourself, you may want to purchase the product from a company that offers a ‘buy only’ service. This is a great way to save on installation. It is important to compare like-for-like prices and to check the service level of the company you are considering.

You may also want to visit a local landscape store to compare the price of different turf products. You may also want to ask the company you are considering for a sample of the product to ensure that it will fit your needs. Most turf suppliers will send a sample to you after you request it.

It is also important to ask the installer about the materials used in the installation. Some turf warranties cover sun damage, but there may be a fine print to this. Also, ask about the costs of installation and delivery.

If you have an area that receives a lot of foot traffic, consider buying a product with a high face weight. A product with a high face weight will be more dense, which means that it will last longer. However, you should stay away from products with a face weight under 50 ounces. This is because you will likely see the face weight degrade sooner than you expect.

