Residence permit in France by Passeport Talent program

Expert writter
8 min readJan 4, 2022


Passeport Talent in France — immigration programs for in-demand specialists

France is the country with a rich history and one of the leaders of gastronomic delights, not to mention being recognized as the queen of romance. Moreover, France is also one of the leaders in the global immigration market in terms of the number of applications for residence permits, as such programs are a win-win for both participants and the state itself.

One of the most popular immigration programs is Passeport Talent, through which a foreigner can get a four-year residence permit in France within just 2 months. This is how the state attracts top-notch professionals and investors from various fields, who can contribute to the country’s economy.

It is not only the fast pace of obtaining a residence permit that makes the Passport Talent program popular among foreigners, but also the opportunity to move to this beautiful country with the family. In this case, a husband or wife of the main applicant may have the right to work in the state along with them. The resident status is issued for a period of 3 months to 4 years with the right to extension, if there are grounds to do so.

11 types of visas under the Passport Talent program.

In order to move to France under Passeport Talent, foreigners must apply for a special visa. There are 11 types of visas with different requirements and conditions for employees and freelancers.

French Tech Visa

This visa is for representatives of the high-tech industry, it can be obtained by investors, founders and employees of startups. The French Tech Visa is a convenient opportunity for specialists, working with technical innovations, to obtain a four-year French residence permit under a simplified procedure. This is confirmed by a detailed expert analysis of the program, published in a blog on the international marketplace

A technician needs to spend about 25,000 EUR to participate in the immigration program. The candidate is required to register a startup in France and fulfill one of the following conditions:

● have a status of a young innovative enterprise;

● get state funding for the development of innovations;

● become a member of a cohort of an Accelerator/Incubator in France or another country;

● get the support of venture capital;

● become part of Pass French Tech.

As an alternative solution, the foreigner can apply as an investor. This requires the applicant to invest in a fixed tangible or intangible asset of EUR 300,000 or more, either directly or through a company in which they own at least 30% of the shares. The applicant is required to own more than 10% of the company to be invested. In addition, they are obliged to create and maintain jobs in the company for a period of 4 years after the investment.

Salarié qualifié / Entreprise innovante (Qualified employee / Innovative company)

This visa type is granted to candidates who are highly qualified in their professional field and who have signed a contract for 3 months or more with a university enterprise, which meets the following requirements:

● conducting research and teaching students, followed by the issuance of diplomas with at least a master’s degree;

● 10% of the enterprise is managed or directly owned by students, teachers, researchers, and master’s or doctorate students who received their degrees at least 5 years ago;

● there is an agreement between the enterprise and the educational institution, which stipulates the conditions under which the enterprise is considered a university enterprise.

Individuals who have entered into a contract with an innovative enterprise, in which:

● the number of employees does not exceed 250 people;

● annual turnover of less than 50,000,000 EUR;

● less than 8 years of experience;

research costs of 15% or more of the total costs in the current fiscal year.

● 50% or more of the share capital is owned by individuals and legal entities, specified in the Law on Innovative Enterprises/

The applicant’s work must be directly related to research and development in the field of business, and their future wage should equal twice the minimum wage in France.

When applying for a residence permit, the candidate, along with the standard package of documents, is required to provide a form filled out by the employer with excerpts from the employment contract, financial information about the company and confirmation of its innovative status.

Salarié en mission (Employee on a business trip)

This type of visa is for individuals, working in international groups of companies and seconded for a period of 3 months or more to work in a branch or subsidiary in France. The salary of the applicant at the new place should amount to twice the minimum rate set by the French labor law.

Along with the application for a residence permit and a package of standard documents, the applicant is required to submit financial information about the company and filled out by the employer form with the data from the employment contract.

Chercheur (Researcher)

This visa is granted to researchers who come to France for at least 3 months on a business trip to participate in research or educational programs. The candidate is required to have a minimum master’s degree and an official invitation from the host country (an accredited university or research institute), endorsed by the French authorities.

Carte bleue européenne (EU Blue Card)

Visa for highly qualified professionals who work for a French employer and meet the following criteria:

● current employment contract with a validity period of not less than 1 year;

● a diploma of professional education or professional experience of at least 5 years;

● a salary not less than 1.5 times the average wage in France, excluding taxes.

The standard package of documents, which is submitted with the application for a residence permit, must be accompanied by financial information about the company and filled out by the employer form with the data from the employment contract.

Créateur d’entreprise (Company founder)

This visa type is granted to foreigners founding commercial, trade or industrial enterprises in France. The authorities of the country give preference to applicants registering a new company, but in certain situations they may also approve the application of an applicant who buys a controlling interest in an existing company.

The following requirements apply to the founders of companies applying for residence permits under the Passeport Talent program:

● making investments in the enterprise in the amount from 30 000 EUR;

● feasibility and viability of the project;

● a master’s degree or professional experience of at least 5 years.

Together with the application for a residence permit, the candidate should submit a package of standard documents, as well as a business plan, confirming the viability of the project, and information about personal investments in the enterprise.

Investisseur économique (Investment in the economy)

Visa for persons investing in businesses to have a long-term interest in managing them. The following types of investments are allowed under the terms of the program:

● investment of 10% or more in share capital or real estate;

● reinvested profits (undistributed part of the operating profits of subsidiaries and associates);

● loans between direct investors and the companies in which they have invested, or between companies of the same group.

When applying for a residence permit, the candidate also needs to provide proof of investment and data regarding long-term interests in the management of enterprises.

Projet économique innovant (Innovative economic project)

Visa category for entrepreneurs implementing an innovative economic project in France, which has been approved by the authorized state institution. The applicant must have professional experience in their field of activity and provide proof that their salary is not lower than the statutory minimum wage.

Mandataire social (Company representative)

A visa for foreign nationals who perform the duties of an authorized representative of a company in a French enterprise. The candidate applying for a residence permit in this category has to meet the following requirements:

● have worked in the same company as an employee or representative for 3 months or more;

● provide proof that the salary will be more than 3 times the statutory minimum rate in France;

● have a power of attorney from the company to act on its behalf in France.

Renommée nationale ou internationale (National or international reputation)

This type of visa is granted to outstanding figures in the field of science, art, culture or sports, who have achieved significant success in their work and are widely known outside their country. In order to obtain a resident permit, the candidate must meet several requirements:

● carry out scientific, literary, artistic, intellectual, educational or sporting activities in France;

● spend at least 3 months in the country;

● provide proof that the salary will not be lower than the statutory minimum wage.

Profession artistique et culturelle (Career in the arts and culture)

This category of visas is issued to performers, as well as authors of musical and literary works, who plan to work in France either for hire or independently. When applying for a residence permit, along with a package of standard documents, applicants must provide:

● a license or other proof of one’s status as an artist or author;

● an employment contract or other obligations to justify the necessity of residing in France;

● proof of financial security of at least 70% of the minimum wage in France.

The key steps to apply for a Passeport Talent

  1. Preparing the required documents. A foreigner, who has signed a contract with a French company or has other grounds for long-term residence in France, collects documents for a visa and residence permit.
  2. Submission of documents and obtaining a national D visa. The candidate submits their dossier to the French overseas representative office in their place of residence, where they are granted a long-term visa marked “Passeport Talent”.
  3. Arriving in France and applying for a residence permit. The applicant comes to France, registers at the place of residence and applies to the local prefecture with a request for a residence permit and pays the state fees.
  4. Obtaining a residence permit. In 1–2 months, the applicant receives an SMS or e-mail that the residence card is ready, after which they go to the prefecture and get it.

Advantages of the Passeport Talent program

● The period of validity of the residence permit is up to 4 years;

● the residence permit can be extended if there are reasons to do so;

● the spouse and children of the main applicant get a residence permit under a simplified procedure;

● the resident and their family members have the right to work, conduct business and study in France;

● no command of French is required to participate in the Passeport Talent program;

● a resident can apply for French citizenship, having resided in France for 5 years;

● free movement through Schengen countries;

● opportunity to build a career and develop business in the international arena.

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