Kusto Detective Agency 2022

1 min readNov 10, 2022

If you want to learn Kusto Query Language in a gamified way then welcome to Kusto Detective Agency!!

It has an amazing set of cases that needs to be solved using Kusto Query language and earn badges.

Rules of the game :

- There are a total of five cases to solve.

- Cases are released every two weeks, on Sundays

- There are a limited number of prizes for those who solve the case first, BUT

- A digital badge is given to every player who correctly solves a case

- All previous cases will remain active for play even after the new cases are published

What to do if you get stuck in between??

Each challenge has hints that can be accessed through the hints section of your Detective UI. They are really useful, and I would recommend using them if you get stuck.

If you are new to Kusto query language, please go through — https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/

Also, I would recommend you to check out Rod Trent’s “Must Learn KQL” series. This will help you in your preparation for SC200 examination as well.

I will be writing about how to get onboarded as a Kusto detective in my next blog, check exploit_daily page soon!

