Update on the Hummingbird Nest!

3 min readFeb 28, 2018


This week has been a rough week for the Hummingbird nest. Earlier this week we lost one of the babies, Comet, and since then have seen Star struggle to survive. Here is the full update on Star’s condition from Bella Hummingbird:

Luna was not sitting on Star long enough to keep her warm. Once Star got cold, she refused to eat. Their bodies do not process food when they get cold as they start to shut down. Luna was in a nearby bush all day defending her feeder instead of sitting on Star. I suspect it’s because she is a first time mom. It became clear that Star would not survive without intervention. At the instruction of Terry, a certified hummingbird rehabber, i removed Star from the nest. I placed her on a heating pad and got her warmed up. Once she was warm, she starting opening her beak for food. I have the proper hummingbird food and syringes that rehabbers use and was able to feed Star. Because Luna was seen back at nest, it was decided to put Star back in the nest to see if Luna would take over. It is always the preference that the momma raise the babies if they can. Unfortunately, Luna did not return to the nest. Terry instructed me to once again remove Star. I got Star warmed, fed and stable and took her to a hummingbird rehabber. Her name is Ann and she volunteers for the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center. Star was doing very well when I dropped her off. Ann cautioned me that Star is not out of the woods just yet. A 4 day old baby hummingbird is difficult to save. However, I am encouraged by my observations of Star. She seemed very strong and was most definitely a fighter!! I will keep you all posted as I get updates.

Star warmed up in my home

On the way to rehab… Notice the knitted “nest” — compliments of Ivymoss’ knitting skills and generosity. 💜

At rehab and ready for the incubator where she will be warm, toasty and safe throughout the night.

If anyone would like to donate to the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center, you can go to their website at: www.wwccoc.org and click the “Donate” button. They operate solely on donations.
Thank you! 💜

