Sep 6, 2024

Fables are short stories that typically feature animals with human characteristics and convey a moral lesson.This particular fable, credited to Aesop, teaches the value of persistence and consistency over arrogance and haste, encapsulated in the famous phrase, "slow and steady wins the race."

Difference between a fable and a parable

A fable differs from a parable in that the latter excludes animals, plants, inanimate objects, and forces of nature as actors that assume speech or other powers of humankind. Conversely, an animal tale specifically includes talking animals as characters.

Some notable fable collection

1)Aesop’s Fables by Aesop
2) Panchatantra by Vishnu Sarma
3) Baital Pachisi (also known as Vikram and The Vampire)
4) Hitopadesha
5) One Thousand and One Nights (also known as Arabian Nights, c. 800–900)
