4 min readApr 22, 2023


The Elephanta Caves are located on Elephanta Island in Mumbai, India. UNESCO has designated this as a World Heritage Site. Since they are so amazing, people are visiting these caves for a long time. They show us how people in India made art and buildings a long time ago.

Although the Elephanta Caves are famous for their amazing sculptures made from rocks, there are also some things there that people might not notice right away. We’ll highlight 5 hidden gems of Elephanta Caves in this article that are really cool but not commonly known.. Let’s go on an adventure together and explore the Elephanta Caves!


The Secret Chamber

The Secret Chamber, also called the Sabha Mandap, is a very special place inside the Elephanta Caves. Many people are not aware about it because it’s hidden. You have to look behind a statue of Lord Shiva to find the entrance to this chamber.

When you go inside chamber, you will see a big room with lots of carved pillars and ceilings. The walls of the room have really pretty sculptures that show different stories from Hindu religion.

One sculpture that stands out is the Nataraja, which shows Lord Shiva dancing. There are 18 other smaller sculptures around it that show different versions of Lord Shiva.

The Secret Chamber is a must-visit if you go to the Elephanta Caves. The carvings and sculptures are very detailed and show how talented the artists who made them were.

The Three-Headed Shiva Sculpture

The Three-Headed Shiva Sculpture is another really cool thing to see inside the Elephanta Caves, but not many people notice it because they are looking at the bigger sculptures. It’s in the main cave. The sculpture is really amazing because it shows Lord Shiva with three heads, each one showing a different part of him. The main head shows him being kind, while the other two show him being destructive and then bringing things back to life again. The sculpture was made by carving one big rock. It’s really detailed and beautiful, which shows how talented the people who made it were.

The Kalyana Mandap

The Kalyana Mandap, which is also called the Marriage Hall, is a really cool place in the Elephanta Caves, but not many people know about it. It’s in the main cave and it used to be used for special religious ceremonies. The hall is really pretty with lots of carved pillars and ceilings. The walls have sculptures that show stories from Hindu religion, including the wedding of Lord Shiva and Parvati. One really interesting thing in the Kalyana Mandap is a big stone lingam, which is a symbol for Lord Shiva. There are also smaller sculptures around it that show different parts of Lord Shiva. The Kalyana Mandap is definitely worth seeing if you go to the Elephanta Caves. The carvings and sculptures are really beautiful and show how important religion is in India.

The Damaged Sculptures

There is another cool thing in the Elephanta Caves that people don’t usually notice: the damaged sculptures. Even if these sculptures don’t appear as nice as the ones that are still in good condition, they are somehow important since they show the changes happened over time.

Lots of thek sculptures in the Elephanta Caves have been damaged because of natural disasters, people doing things they shouldn’t, and not taking good care of them. But instead of getting rid of the damaged sculptures, the people who take care of the site have left them there so visitors can see how time and nature have affected the ancient artwork.

These damaged sculptures are special because they show us more about the history of the Elephanta Caves and how hard it is to take care of them. They remind us that we need to keep on working to protect and take care of the site for future.

The Natural Beauty of Elephanta Island

Besides the Elephanta Caves, the Elephanta Island itself is a hidden gem that’s worth exploring. It has lush forests, scenic walking trails, and stunning views of the Arabian Sea. Visitors may take their time and relax explore the island and take in its surrounding natural beauty. There are a lot of viewpoint spots from which tourists may observe the coastline and the water in amazing clarity.

Elephanta Island is also home to several small villages that showcase traditional Indian life. These villages offer a different experience from the bustling city of Mumbai and give visitors a glimpse into the local culture.


The Elephanta Caves are a special place in Mumbai known for their beautiful rock-cut sculptures. But there are other hidden treasures here that showcase the cultural heritage of India. The Secret Chamber and Three-Headed Shiva Sculpture are just a few examples of the ancient art and architecture waiting to be explored. Also, the island’s natural beauty makes the experience even more special. Don’t miss the chance to visit the Elephanta Caves to experience the adventure!


  • How much time should I allocate to explore the Elephanta Caves? It takes around 2–3 hours to explore the Elephanta Caves and the surrounding area.
  • Can I bring food and water to the Elephanta Caves? Yes, visitors are can carry food and water along with them. However, please remember not to litter and dispose of waste properly.
  • Are there any restrictions on photography at the Elephanta Caves? Yes, visitors are only permitted to take photographs in specific areas of the site. Please check with the site staff for detailed guidelines.

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