The laundry mat

meredith neal
3 min readJul 29, 2016


Sometimes the hardest thing in the world is getting out of bed! I don’t know about others, but it takes me a full hour to finally get up and out of bed. I feel like a sloth that had just woken up from a 5 year nap. Picture a giant hippo that weighs over a thousand pounds and trying to stand up. Then when I finally get up, I am absolutely starving and my stomach starts growling like a wolf on a full moon. The morning omelettes are my favourite breakfast meal by far. There is nothing better then a hot cooked omelette filled with fresh vegetables and gooey cheese. For the past few weeks that Is all I eat for breakfast and I feel great, I even made friends with the cook!

After we finished class and completed all the homework we had for the day, Chris drove us into the market place where we explored the little markets and shops that open up only on Wednesdays. It was really interesting to see all the shops that popped up for tourist reasons, because there was more variety of clothing and bracelet’s that you can find. Although the shop owners were trying so hard to convince us that buying a Mexican instrument for twenty American dollars was a great investment, I actually found a lot of decent gifts to bring back for cheap. It is fun to bargain with the store owners and try to make them give you products for cheaper. I personally am not very good at it, because I feel bad that they spent all this time creating some of the products, and I come in asking for less then they ask for.

Grocery shopping never seemed like something I had to do for myself for a while, but it is actually quite hard to accomplish the perfect shop. Trying to find all the good and cheap foods that will keep you pleased for weeks at a time is a complicated job.
I was able to complete a shop with a bunch of food that only lasted about 30 minuets until I got hungry. Luckily I was able to save a bunch of money by purchasing food that was on sale. Unfortunately, I had to make multiple trips to the Mega to go receive more food. You never realize how hungry you really are, until your mind gets stuck on a specific food. At that point, nothing can stop the monster that is unleashed inside.

Who knew doing laundry would be such an eye opening experience. Doing something that is such a simple task back home, is so complicated in a new country. It was the line of communication that both the laundry mat lady and I had. It was a hard task that took time and effort to be able to get across what we were trying to say to one another, but once the task was done it was something to smile about. It was nice to see a woman who worked in such a small and torn down old store, have so much pleasure in what she did. Her name was Maria and she was able to smile bigger than a kid on Christmas morning. With all the hard work she was doing, not to mention the uniform of pants and a long sleeve in 34 degree temperature. Maria was like a pot of gold that never stopped shinning.

As I patiently waited for my clothing to dry, I ventured out to the health store across the street. The store consisted of all different health seeds, salads, paninis and also smoothies. I decided I owed it to myself to add a little health into my life by chugging a smoothie. The smoothie was not only super refreshing but was also an antioxidant that felt like your whole body just flushed out every toxin you ever had. It was definitely worth the money, it made me feel amazing.

