A summary of “Before I Go to Sleep” by S.J. Watson

Exploring The Nexus
4 min readJul 25, 2023


“Before I Go to Sleep” is a gripping psychological thriller written by S.J. Watson, first published in 2011. The novel takes readers on an intense journey through the life of Christine Lucas, a woman suffering from anterograde amnesia — a condition that erases her memory each time she falls asleep. This engrossing tale explores memory, identity, trust, and the limits of human resilience.

The story follows Christine Lucas, a forty-seven-year-old woman who wakes up every day with no recollection of the past two decades of her life. When she goes to sleep, her memory resets, leaving her with no knowledge of the present or the people around her. Each morning, she experiences confusion and fear as she discovers her situation anew, her memory only extending to her early twenties.

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Christine’s husband, Ben, provides emotional support and explains her situation to her every day. However, Christine’s sense of identity remains fragmented, and she feels an overwhelming need to understand herself. Unbeknownst to Ben, she has been seeing a neurologist named Dr. Nash in secret. Dr. Nash encourages Christine to keep a daily journal, which helps her to retain her memories and piece together fragments of her life.

As Christine continues to write in her journal, she discovers a series of entries written in her own handwriting that describe her growing suspicions about her husband’s honesty. The journal entries mention a man named Mike, whom Christine believes she had an affair with. Overwhelmed by her doubts and curiosity, she starts investigating her past, despite the risks to her fragile memory.

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Throughout her journal entries, Christine learns more about herself, uncovering details about her past that seem to contradict the stories she’s been told by both Ben and Dr. Nash. Her life becomes more mysterious and dangerous, as she struggles to determine who she can trust.

As Christine delves deeper into her past, she meets a man named Ed, who claims to be her close friend. Ed reveals that she was in an accident that caused her amnesia, but he suspects that her memory loss may not be entirely organic. He shares his suspicion that Ben is manipulating her and hiding something crucial about her past.

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As the novel progresses, Christine’s journey becomes increasingly unnerving, and she must navigate a web of deceit, betrayal, and buried secrets. As she questions her memories and the motives of those around her, she becomes uncertain about her sanity.

Themes throughout the story:

The central theme of “Before I Go to Sleep” revolves around memory and its relationship with identity. Christine’s amnesia leaves her constantly redefining her sense of self, and she struggles to reconcile the person she was before the accident with the person she is now.

The novel explores the fragility of trust and the consequences of deception. Christine’s inability to form lasting memories makes her vulnerable to manipulation, and she must question the honesty of those around her, including her own husband.

Despite the challenges she faces, Christine displays remarkable resilience and adaptability. Each day, she wakes up with the courage to confront her fears and piece together her life, even when her memory continually resets.

As a psychological thriller, the novel creates a sense of tension and unease, keeping readers on edge as they uncover the mysteries surrounding Christine’s past.

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To Conclude, “Before I Go to Sleep” by S.J. Watson is a gripping and haunting psychological thriller that delves into the complexities of memory, identity, trust, and resilience. Through the journey of Christine Lucas, readers are taken on a roller-coaster of emotions, constantly questioning the truth and uncovering hidden secrets. The novel’s well-crafted plot and the intricate exploration of its themes make it a compelling read, leaving readers contemplating the nature of memory and the impact of our past on shaping our present selves. S.J. Watson’s debut novel is a testament to the power of storytelling and its ability to captivate and challenge the human mind.

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