My Heart Restored- Part Two Book Review

Stephanie Wayfarer
My Personal Bubble
Published in
8 min readJul 23, 2021

My personal book review a wonderful book for Christians

I purchased My Heart Restored by June Kimmel on Amazon, after a friend recommended it. Here I have written the personal lessons I gleaned from this book. You may find different conclusions if you read this book. I recommend it- it’s an easy read!

Chapter Five My Heart Redirected

God’s Word helps us focus on His will. His ways help us see the truth, and directs our path. We should read God’s Word daily, but I don’t. It needs to follow a regular habit I do already. I will try to read one chapter of the Bible daily after I wake up- before I turn to social media. It is easy to forget the lessons of God’s Word. Even though I post my church’s sermons on Facebook, I often get behind, or forget the message. I do best with reminders that are right in front of my face- I should write memory verses on a white board. God gives us His Word to comfort us, direct us and to improve our ways. The Word was in the beginning of existence, according to John 1:1–5.

Although what I am facing is difficult, I need to thank God for… giving me health, giving my family health, keeping a roof over my head, and food on the table. I have many friends and family that love me, though I never see them or talk to them. I have a son that loves me unconditionally. I have a Godly church right up the road, that THANKFULLY publishes sermons to listen to online. That has been my lifeline during the Covid-19 quarantine year that just keeps going.

I should not be afraid of… current circumstances. I have managed to not get Covid, and have gotten my vaccine. Despite working in an ER, I have not gotten sick, God has kept me safe and kept me vigilant. I should not be afraid of what the future might bring, because although I know difficult times lie ahead, so do God’s blessings. God gives me patience, and comfort, and guides my feet. I just need to remind myself of how many major life decisions I’ve made by the attitude of “just wing it” that have turned out just fine. If anything, my life has been enriched but just jumping in and trusting God to catch me.

I am not sure how Satan tempts me. I am surrounded by ungodly people at work, my friends, even my husband. I don’t feel tempted much but I do feel anxious often. I also get distracted from God’s Word often, though I am often distracted anyways.

This book asks me to find verses that apply to my temptations. That’s a bit tough! Here is what I could find:

My phone is definitely a distraction. “Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.” 1 Corinthians 7:5 This word incontinency seems odd in our current language, but I interpret it as Christians who are inconsistent or lack self control. My phone is a tool, but it needs to be managed. I can use it to read the Bible at my convenience, and I need to do that before I do anything else with it.

Life will never be easy, there will always be hardships. I often wonder why I felt called to emergency medicine, which just adds to my stress sometimes. “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 Whatever comes my way, I can take it!

Sometimes I think back and remember parts of my life that seemed unnecessarily hard. “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord promised to them that love him.” James 1:12 I was heartbroken and devastated when my mom died unexpectedly, but I knew God decided it was her time, even if I didn’t want it to be.

Ephesians 6 talks about the armor of God. Parts of this section could also apply to my life regarding temptation: “And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace…” Ephesians 6:15 When I am anxious, I can find peace by meditating on the Word of God.

My goals for Bible study need to be small on a daily basis and larger one or two days a week to be effective. That would fit both my work schedule and my attention span. I think if I just read one chapter a day, then spend one day a week typing up my sermons I’ll be happy! This book has also been such a blessing, I think getting another book and doing one chapter a week would be a HUGE benefit. I read the Word of God but don’t always understand it, or know how to apply it.

Chapter Six My Heart Refreshed

God is always present with us, even when He is silent. King David loved the Lord, and wrote many Psalms of praise. However, even he struggled with God’s silence. In Psalm 28:1 he described feeling like he was in a pit. In 28:7 he went back to rejoicing in God’s strength. I don’t know how David responded when God was silent, but I imagine he was anxious. He still knew God was present, and praised Him and asked for blessings for his people. Sometimes I think I pray for guidance in finding a godly routine, but often I fall back into my old ways.

Jesus often prayed, with his disciples and in solitude. He prayed after healing the sick, then went on to preach, as seen in Mark 1. God delights in our obedience, in our praise to God, and in growing closer to Him. He also delights in providing to us loving kindness, judgement and righteousness. I do appreciate learning, growing in the Lord, and loving kindness. I don’t always appreciate judgement but I know it’s necessary.

We should praise God always. I have often prayed for my health and the health of my family. So far, we have been unscathed. I am often encouraged knowing that ultimately, though I try to make sound judgement, I am not in control of everything.

Chapter Seven My Heart Resting…

Grace enables us to serve because it enables us to do and be better, because grace is not dependent on our goodness. Grace allows us to be thankful to God, and gives us strength.

God’s grace has kept me humble. I am a very prideful and stubborn person at times. I also respond positively to approval and recognition. God’s grace keeps me humble in knowing I don’t deserve the pat on the back. I am reminded of God’s goodness and ability, and my need of Jesus. I have a blessed life, and grace reminds me that all my goodness in myself and my life are actually from God.

God’s grace helps me to be patient with others. God is long suffering for us. No one is perfect, and I remind myself that God loves everyone, not just those that are obedient, charismatic, or easy to love. I am often reminded of this, and consider how much more of a judgmental person I would be, if it weren’t for God’s example. I work in an emergency room, in a county hospital, that is also a Level I Trauma center, that is also a teaching hospital. Opportunities to judge are plentiful; we serve the homeless, drug addicts, drunk drivers, chronically ill patients, while working alongside medical students that don’t always know what they are doing. God’s grace keeps me patient, allowing me to show grace to others.

This book asks me to think of a time I was gracious and wise with someone. Not too long ago, I was working in the locked psych unit of our ER. I was told to sit in the hallway across from one of the patients, to keep an eye on her for safety. She was a suicidal alcoholic. I spent my time talking to her, since she wanted to talk. She told me of her past husbands, her drinking problem, and her current living situation- bedbugs. I listened, offered advice when I could. She mentioned that she loved to draw and read, and had read the Bible several times. I told her she should draw out what she reads when she reads the Bible. I also told her to try replacing her bad habit of drinking when she is stressed, with a good habit, such as reading.

Grace only comes from the LORD. Grace, to me, is looking past the imperfections of people and loving them as God loves them. I have many friends, and many encounters, with people who are ungodly. I treat them with respect as I would anyone else- Jesus died for them all. I just wish I knew how to be a good influence and encourage them to take interest in Jesus. Christians in general have a reputation of being judgmental, but Jesus spent time with tax collectors, as an example. I think if we practice grace, we love others, regardless of if we think they deserve it or not. I am not saying we should approve of sin, but we need to recognize that everyone is a sinner in need of Jesus, even Christians.

My current situation in life, where I need to step back and let God work, is to know what to do about my job- should I stay in the ER? More importantly, I need to step back and let God use me, instead of trying to figure out how to be productive myself. Maybe now is just not my time. Maybe I just need to be patient.

Chapter Eight My Heart Restored…

We need to have a forgiving heart as our Lord does. We also need to recognize when we justify our own sin. My biggest one, I think, is not honoring the Sabbath because I’m “too busy.”

In Matthew 18:21–35, Jesus speaks about forgiveness. We should forgive others, as we are forgiven. We should show the same mercy to each other. Jesus gave the example of a servant whose entire debt was forgiven. Our hearts should be moved for one another. I am myself a sinner, as everyone else, yet I live a blessed life and will spend an eternity in Heaven.

I have found myself being very annoyed with others, including my patients. I know it has been a difficult year for me, but it has been for everyone. I may not be able to control the feelings that pop up, but I can examine my feelings and control my responses. I think the Lord would want me to be more compassionate.

Jesus withstood immeasurable abuse, but maintained a forgiving and compassionate heart. I myself cannot think of a time I forgave someone in this past week. I am often frustrated with my dad- he is terrible at calling. He is the type of person that wants everyone to make the effort. It is incredibly frustrating. I have long ago accepted him for the way he is- I should be moved for compassion currently, as his sister died earlier this week.

I don’t think I hold onto too much, but there are a few people that were in my life that I should forgive. I felt that the fire department I used to volunteer at abandoned me when I needed them most. I should let go.



Stephanie Wayfarer
My Personal Bubble

Stephanie is an artist and first responder. All stories are free to read! Subscribe for random honesty delivered to your email.