Welcome everybody to the Exspace platform!

5 min readOct 1, 2018


Let us introduce ourselves.

The cryptocurrency market, which has been recently formed and exponentially growing, has now moved to the stage of stabilization and development. This means that any further market development depends on the availability of a comprehensive infrastructure and those tools that allow the use of cryptocurrencies as a daily form of payment.

Exspace gives an opportunity to everyone to buy tokens and earn on their growth, or to invest it in trading activity of one of the represented traders!

According to Balaji Srinivasan, the technical director of Coinbase exchange, the potential number of cryptocurrency users can grow 60 times. According to the Finder study, only 8% of Americans own cryptocurrencies, while this figure is just below 1% worldwide.

From the end of 2013 and until the end of 2017, the number of From cryptocurrencies increased from 40 to 1273, which is 3,083%increase. At the current moment, their number has reached almost 1900. As the value of coins is growing, it is not surprising that the popularity of Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, like that of other cryptocurrencies, is increasing just as much. The increase in cost indicates an increase in demand for crypto assets, and the trend will only grow from here.

Despite the current drop in transactions in the Bitcoin and Ethereum networks, the total number of all transactions using blockchain technology is steadily growing, without any slight signs of slowing down. As of now, mid-2018, more than 305.61 million transactions are performed As daily. This is 48.27% more compared to 206.12 million transactions which was a regular day in mid-2017.

Market solutions offered by the Exspace platform

  1. Exspace solves this problem and provides absolutely everyone with an opportunity to invest in the activities of successful traders, even those who have absolutely no experience in this area.
  2. The participants of the Exspace platform do not need to waste their time. It will not take more than 5 minutes to purchase EXS token and invest it in the work of traders, our traders will do the rest of the work.

The purpose and advantages of the platform

The main goal of creating the Exspace platform is to provide absolutely everyone with the opportunity to purchase a fast-growing EXS token and invest it in the activities of professional traders, without any effort or time wasting.

One of Exspace solutions will be the creation of a group of professional traders and analysts that will analyze the performance of investment algorithms, revealing the hidden risks of investment strategies and introducing the audit of the risks of trading algorithms. Comprehensive audit of trade strategies using artificial intelligence technologies will allow determining the most risky algorithms to predict the probable loss of capital in frames of a certain strategy, and also to reveal signs of managment in managment incompetence.

Prospective clients of Exspace are:

• Private investors wishing to find reliable and innovative solutions for investing their capital in order to obtain profitability above the interest rate on bank deposits;

• Investment companies seeking to find new investment solutions, algorithms and talented “quanta”;

• Holders of large cryptocurrency portfolios who look for the possibility of their diversification in order to reduce risks and increase profitability.

The Exspace business model becomes successful in case of attracting a large number of users, thus, it is necessary to generate high traˀc and competent promotion of the platform. Considerable attention will be paid to marketing in the audience familiar with financial and cryptocurrency markets, as well as the audience of investors who keep their savings in cryptocurrency.

The role of the token in the Exspace platform

EXS tokens will be issued to create an effective Exspace ecosystem that will encourage the development of the project and the blockchain community, establishing transparent and fair relations between all ecosystem participants — investors, traders, the Exspace team. The token owners will be able to actively participate in the work and development of the ecosystem. Listing and trading tokens on the main crypto-exchanges will allow users to freely purchase, sell and exchange them. EXS platform token will become the means of investing in traders and will be freely traded within the platform, providing a variety of opportunities for interaction and cooperation between traders and investors. Tokens will be accounted for and transmitted over a distributed network of Ethereum, excluding compromise and double consumption of tokens.

EXS tokens will be listed on the main crypto-exchanges and can be freely sold or exchanged for other tokens or cryptocurrencies circulating there. Unlike buying tokens during the crowdsale or receiving them as payments within the platform, buying EXS on the exchange may be less profitable for users, since exchanges will add their own margins to the cost. Current well-functioning crypto-exchanges include: Kraken, Poloniex, Bittrex, Bitstamp, Quoine, Bter, Livecoin, Coinspot, Vaultoro, YoBit, Bitcoin Indonesia, Indonesia, BTCC, Allcoin, CoinMate, VerWox, ANXPRO, Bitkonan, Indacoin, Cryptonit, EXMO, Bitfinex, Binance, BitFlip and others.

Token Distribution


1. October 2018 The development, testing, opening and launching the Exspace platform, provision of investors with the first traders who will trade through the Exspace platform. The beginning of the sale of EXS tokens, the creation of plans for the development of the platform, the holding of large-scale advertising campaigns to increase the brand awareness and popularity of the platform.

2. November-December 2018 Analysis of the effectiveness of traders and their strategies, the formation of trade reports, providing investors with the results of the entire platform for the previous period. General technical optimization of the entire Exspace platform.

3. January-February 2019 Preparation of listing EXS token on the main crypto-exchanges. Fulfillment of all terms to release token on the exchange. Launch of EXS token on exchanges.

4. May — June 2019 Development of own exchange within the Exspace platform, its testing and public launch.

5. August — September 2019 Openning Openning of the first representative offices of the company in Japan and other countries around the world.

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email — support@exspace.pro




Incredible results of our traders! The Exspace platform allows earning money by investing in the best traders in just a few clicks.