Exswap: Timeline and Updates

3 min readApr 27, 2022


Launch Timeline

Excitement is in the air with the relaunch of Evmos today. We’re watching closely and will be launching Exswap within a week as soon as we see the chain and bridges are safe and stable. The DEX will be available immediately upon launch and users will be able to provide liquidity. We are still projecting the launch of our token and farms within a few days after launch, but we have no set date as we want to ensure everything is running smoothly and there’s no hiccups.

If you aren’t familiar with Exswap you can read about who we are and what our plans are here and check out our tokenomics and why you want to hold EX here.

Tokenomics Update

We’ve had time to think over our tokenomics and we’ve come up with a new allocation which we believe is in the best interest of the protocol and our community as a whole.

There will still be a total supply of 500 million EX tokens emitting over 36 months, but we’ve decided on an updated allocation which decreases the airdrops from 20% to 10% of total supply, increases the Exswap treasury from 20% to 25%, reduces liquidity incentives from 45% to 40%, and adds 10% for a strategic community reserve controlled by Exswap Labs. We’ve made this decision as we believe having a larger treasury and a reserve gives the protocol more strategic flexibility and a longer runway.

(Reminder: The treasury is our war chest that will be used for marketing, incentives, and potential investors.)

Please see below for the updated allocation of EX:

  • 40% Liquidity Providers
  • 25% Treasury
  • 15% Team
  • 10% Strategic Community Reserve
  • 10% Airdrop


We’ve been busy the last couple of months preparing for Evmos and we’re excited to announce our launchpad is ready! We are planning to deploy in the following weeks and we’re now taking inquiries for launch partners.

Please reach out on Twitter or Discord for more information if you’re interested in partnering with us. A separate article dedicated to our launchpad is coming soon and information will be available on our gitbook.

EX Airdrops

The EX token airdrops are still set to be distributed shortly after our token goes live with a rough projection of a week after our launch. Keep your eyes peeled for an official announcement on this after we launch.

Bonus News

We heard a little rumor *hint* from our friends at KavaiiSwap that they’re going to be airdropping their token to early Exswap users and liquidity providers. They’re a DEX launching on the Kava Network. You can check out their Discord for more information.


About Exswap

Exswap is a community-focused DEX and DeFi Hub launching on Evmos. Our goal is to be the the go-to protocol for the Evmos ecosystem. We believe that the next wave of decentralized applications are cross-chain and we want to be at the forefront of a new and budding ecosystem.

Stay updated by following our socials. Exciting announcements and updates are on the way!

Website (launching soon) | Twitter | Discord | Telegram

