Python Frameworks for building Desktop Applications

Extern Labs Inc.
2 min readOct 4, 2021


Python is one of the most potential programming languages that can help develop web, mobile, and desktop applications without a keen knowledge of programming.

A good Framework can make any Python programming easier. Python offers various frameworks for different purposes and solutions with integrated tools and functionalities. Frameworks make development focused on application logic rather than common elements; They automate the implementation of tasks. You can work with and without frameworks but you should use frameworks for phone development.

Here are five most user-friendly and effective Python desktop application development framework


PyQT is an Application and GUI toolkit framework with one of the most powerful and popular Python interfaces. It has the Qt library and python programming language that allows the developer to create programs by coding and create visuals by Qt Designers.

PyQT is free-to-use binding software with open-source widget toolkit QT implemented, a Python framework that can help developers build cross-platform, web, desktop, and mobile applications.


Tkinter is one of the most popular programming frameworks for Desktop apps and GUIs. It is a combination of the Tk and Python GUI frameworks. It is named Tkinter because of its simple UI and UX; development beginners can easily use it for python desktop applications.

Tkinter has an abundant source of codes and reference books that makes it a popular choice. In addition, it has various widgets, like labels, buttons, and almost everything that you might need in your python desktop development process and GUI Designing.


Kivy is open-source; OpenGL ES 2 accelerated framework for building new user interfaces and experiences for desktop apps. Kivy empowers its users with easy to write and run codes on cross-platforms. Kivy made python desktop application development fun, easy, and rewarding because of its open-source python library for application development and GUIs. In addition, it comes with 20 widgets that enable developers to design natural UIs.


wxPython is one of the best python frameworks for desktop application development with GUIs. It can build cross-platform graphical UI with python programming language. wxPython toolkit allows developers to create interactive and natural user interfaces.

Python development is easy, simple, and fast with wxPython. wxPython is known as a Python extension module that binds GUI elements from wxWidget cross-platform library.

wxPython is open-source with modifiable source codes; Users can also suggest bug fixes and design improvements.


Bottle can generate only a single file for each development work created by it. Therefore, bottle is known as the most effective Python desktop development framework. Bottle framework allows developers to build applications closer to the system hardware and quickly builds APIs.

Beginners can use bottle to learn application development and prototyping with its straightforward user experience.



Extern Labs Inc.

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