Kubernetes Architecture Explained

Extio Technology
3 min readMay 13, 2023


Extio Kubernetes Architecture


Kubernetes has gained immense popularity as the leading container orchestration platform. To truly grasp its inner workings, it helps to explore Kubernetes architecture visually. In this blog post, we’ll provide a comprehensive overview of Kubernetes architecture, accompanied by diagrams, to help you understand the different components and their interactions.

Node Architecture
At the core of a Kubernetes cluster are the nodes, which can be physical or virtual machines. Each node runs a container runtime, such as Docker, and a kubelet agent responsible for managing containers. The following diagram illustrates the node architecture:

└── [Container Runtime]
└── [Kubelet

Control Plane Components

The control plane manages and orchestrates the entire Kubernetes cluster. It consists of several components working together to maintain the desired state of the system. The primary control plane components are as follows:

  • etcd: A distributed key-value store that stores the cluster’s configuration data and state.
  • API Server: Acts as the central management point and exposes the Kubernetes API to clients for cluster communication.
  • Scheduler: Determines which nodes to assign pods to based on resource availability and other scheduling policies.
  • Controller Manager: Includes various controllers responsible for maintaining desired cluster state, handling tasks such as scaling, replication, and node management.

The diagram below illustrates the control plane components:

[Control Plane]
├── [etcd]
├── [API Server]
├── [Scheduler]
└── [Controller Manager]

Pod and Container Interaction

A pod is the fundamental unit of deployment in Kubernetes. It represents one or more containers that are tightly coupled and share the same network and storage resources. The following diagram depicts the relationship between pods and containers:

└── [Container 1]
└── [Container 2]
└── ...

Service and Load Balancing:

Kubernetes services provide a stable network endpoint for accessing a set of pods. They act as load balancers, distributing incoming traffic across the pods for improved availability and scalability. The diagram below demonstrates the interaction between services and pods:

└── [Pod 1]
└── [Pod 2]
└── ...


Namespaces provide a logical partitioning mechanism within a cluster, allowing teams to isolate and manage their resources independently. They enable better organization, security, and resource allocation. The diagram presents a visualization of namespaces

[Namespace 1]
└── [Pod]
└── [Service]
└── ...

[Namespace 2]
└── [Pod]
└── [Service]
└── ...


Deployment and ReplicaSets

Deployments are used to manage the lifecycle of pods and ensure the desired state of an application. They create and update ReplicaSets, which are responsible for maintaining a specified number of pod replicas. The following diagram showcases the relationship between deployments, ReplicaSets, and pods:

└── [ReplicaSet]
└── [Pod 1]
└── [Pod 2]
└── ...


Understanding the Kubernetes architecture is key to effectively deploying and managing containerized applications. By visualizing the relationships and interactions between nodes, control plane components, pods, services, namespaces, deployments, and ReplicaSets, you gain a clearer understanding of how Kubernetes operates. These diagrams serve as a guide to navigate the complex Kubernetes ecosystem and empower you to harness the full potential of this powerful orchestration platform.



Extio Technology

Building the next generation virtualization layer for the cloud, virtual Kubernetes clusters.