Unleashing the Power of the Linux ‘top’ Command: A Comprehensive Guide

Extio Technology
4 min readJul 1, 2023


Extio Linux Series — `top’ command


If you are a Linux enthusiast or a system administrator, you’ve probably heard of the ‘top’ command. It is a powerful tool that provides real-time monitoring and insights into your Linux system’s performance. Whether you’re troubleshooting performance issues, identifying resource-hungry processes, or simply keeping an eye on your system’s health, the ‘top’ command is an invaluable companion.

In this blog post, we will dive deep into the world of the ‘top’ command, exploring its features, options, and understanding how to interpret the information it provides.

Understanding the Basics

The ‘top’ command is a built-in utility available in most Linux distributions. It presents a dynamic view of the processes running on your system, along with various system statistics such as CPU usage, memory consumption, load average, and more. To launch ‘top,’ open your terminal and type:


The default view of ‘top’ displays an ordered list of processes based on their CPU utilization. The most resource-intensive processes will be shown at the top.

Navigating the Interface

The ‘top’ interface is highly informative but might be overwhelming for newcomers. Let’s break down its essential components:

  1. Header: The topmost section displays system-level information, including uptime, load averages, total tasks, CPU usage breakdown, and memory usage.
  2. Process Table: This section lists all running processes, sorted by default based on CPU usage. Columns provide details about each process, such as PID (Process ID), USER (owner of the process), %CPU (CPU utilization), %MEM (memory utilization), and more.
  3. Interactive Commands: ‘top’ is interactive, meaning you can issue commands while it’s running. Some common commands include ‘k’ to send a signal to a process, ‘r’ to renice a process, and ‘q’ to exit ‘top.’

Customizing the View

To make ‘top’ even more insightful, you can customize its display. For example, you can change the sorting order, set the update interval, highlight specific processes, and filter out irrelevant ones.

Here are some useful keyboard shortcuts:

  • Press ‘1’ to toggle between single and combined CPU view.
  • Use ‘f’ to select and display specific fields (e.g., command name, priority, etc.).
  • Press ‘o’ to set the sort field (e.g., %CPU, %MEM, etc.).
  • Use ‘s’ to set the update interval.
  • Press ‘H’ to toggle threads’ visibility (if available).

Finding Troublesome Processes

One of the primary use cases of ‘top’ is to identify processes that are causing performance issues or consuming excessive resources. By monitoring the %CPU and %MEM columns, you can quickly spot resource-intensive processes. Troubleshooting becomes more accessible as you focus on the problematic ones.

Managing Processes

While ‘top’ provides insights, it doesn’t directly allow you to manage processes. However, you can use other commands, like ‘kill,’ to terminate misbehaving processes. Remember to exercise caution when terminating processes to avoid unintended consequences.


Here are a few examples of common ‘top’ command options and how they can be used:

  1. Display Specific Fields:
top -o %CPU

This command will display the process table sorted by CPU usage, with the highest CPU-consuming processes at the top.

2. Set Update Interval:

top -d 5

This command sets the update interval to 5 seconds. ‘top’ will refresh the information every 5 seconds.

3. Highlight a Specific User’s Processes:

top -u username

Replace ‘username’ with the actual username. This command filters the process table to show only the processes owned by the specified user.

4. Sort by Memory Usage:

top -o %MEM

This command sorts the processes based on their memory usage, with the highest memory-consuming processes at the top.

5. Display Threads:

top -H

This command toggles the visibility of threads. If the system supports thread visibility, it will display individual threads for each process.

6. Renice a Process:

top -r

While running ‘top,’ pressing ‘r’ allows you to renice a process. You will be prompted to enter the PID of the process and the new priority value.

7. Filter Processes by Command Name:

top -p $(pgrep processname)

Replace ‘processname’ with the name of the command you want to filter. This command displays only the processes that match the specified command name.

These are just a few examples of the many options available with the ‘top’ command. Remember, you can always refer to the ‘top’ command’s man page (man top) for a detailed description of all the available options and their usage.


The ‘top’ command is an indispensable tool for Linux users and system administrators, granting real-time visibility into system performance and resource utilization. By mastering its features and customizing the display to your needs, you can efficiently monitor your system, identify issues, and keep it running smoothly.

So, next time you encounter system slowdowns or want to analyze resource consumption, don’t forget to turn to the ‘top’ command — a trusty companion that empowers you to take control of your Linux system.

Happy monitoring!



Extio Technology

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