Datacoin (DTC) RoadMap 2018

Miles Jacobs
2 min readMay 19, 2018


I have refrained from posting a “roadmap” while we sort out the (minor) issues around Datacoin Core 0.15.99. But I see most of those issues have been cleared and I think we can now look to the future. I think we first have to see the consequences of having the Datacoin Core wallet. Already we have seen radically shortened syncing times, encouraging more miners. We have also seen a rock solid network, which is passing all the “stress tests” that throws at it. This kind of “industrial” blockchain gives great confidence when one starts to think of smart contracts and mission critical systems.

I think we need to focus on the following:
1. Datacoin media via and DTCBrowser. Perhaps it is possible to expand bitfossil to demonstrate some of the social media possibilities that are already encoded into We also need someone to run an online instance of DTCBrowser, or incorporate it into the client.
2. Anonymity. I am not sure how easy it is to add anonymity with these latest Bitcoin clients but it seems that we are on the way to being able to swap anonymity algorithms in and out.
3. Smart contracts, and the gaming applications that become possible once those contracts are enabled.

The emergence of ASIC mining for ZCash has shown how important the Prime algorithm is. Datacoin, Primecoin and Bitcoin Prime will remain ASIC resistant for many years to come.
The Next exchange continues to add coins, and at some point they will come to Datacoin.

We need to keep perspective and to note that 2 billion Datacoin will be issued over the next 500 years, and that there will be plenty of roadmaps in that time!

Because of the immutability of the data, I do not believe anyone would fork the Datacoin blockchain.

Thank you.

