Greatness Eyenor
5 min readMar 1, 2024

The Impact of AI in Medicine: Transforming Healthcare

You all will agree at one point you took a deep breath and said to yourselves, "Isn't this AI harmful? Isn't AI moving too fast for our kind?" You are not alone; these questions have hovered over the heads of many at some point. I, for one, have asked myself these same questions. Over a period of time, there has been a never-ending trend of AI.

But a consistent question I always asked myself within my heart is, "Will AI save us?" Several misdeeds have been done by the current trend, such as:


People's hard-earned ideas, work, and plans are being copied. Accolades that were meant for originality have been snatched by others who do not deserve them.


This rate of fraud was taken a notch higher when AI stepped in. From copying people's faces to faking calls, forging people's work, and much more—all done effortlessly with the use of AI. So, once more I will ask my question aloud: is AI going to save us?

We can all agree that nothing good ever comes easy; it takes time for things to grow. Although AI has shown us some of its fangs and claws, AI has played a huge positive role across different sectors. Across the diverse sectors, we will look into one of them, which is the medical aspect.

AI Revolutionizing Medical Diagnosis

The introduction of AI into medicine may seem like a plan to get doctors out of their jobs, but that's not completely true. AI in medicine is a clear way for AI to stretch out a helping hand to humanity. This is a major plus to the world, and by the end of this article, you will know why. AI is currently being used in our world today to assist both patients and doctors. Some of the areas it's making a difference are as follows:


One of the first steps a doctor takes before embarking on any form of treatment is diagnosis—to know the current condition of the patient and what exactly is wrong with them. Making a diagnosis involves multiple steps, including taking a medical history, performing a physical exam, obtaining diagnostic tests, and then examining the data to come to the best explanation for the illness. The accuracy of the doctor's diagnosis comes from the amount of data the doctor has, his knowledge, and his expertise.

Because of this factor, a doctor with more data, knowledge, and experience will be able to give a more accurate diagnosis of the patient. The reason for this is the human limitation in knowledge and experience, resulting in what is popularly known as human error. Studies have shown that the most common type of medical error comes from diagnosis. Of those who experienced mistakes, 59% said that it was due to an incorrect diagnosis, late diagnosis, or a problem that wasn't diagnosed at all.

With the use of AI and Machine Learning, machines can consume a huge amount of data that humans can't. They learn and develop the ability to give accurate diagnoses with less error. The use of AI and ML defeats human limitations, allowing for accurate diagnoses to be made without fatigue, pressure, or emotion.


Wouldn't it be amazing to head to the hospital, go for a diagnosis, and get results speedily? Instead of being in unhealthy suspense, you can get an answer and know what to do next based on the results you have seen. This reality approaches us closely with the use of machine learning and AI.

After various scans are done on the patient, these machines can carry out a quick analysis based on the data they have consumed. Making comparisons and deductions based on the huge amount of data they have been fed with, the machines can run several simulations non-stop and come up with quick and accurate answers. These machines give the doctor a helping hand, making their work easier and faster, giving them a head start to tackle the issues faster.

AI Personal Virtual Assistants in Healthcare

You all must have heard of Siri, right? You can ask her for information or instruct her to play your favorite music—an amazing experience. Just imagine that being used for medical purposes. Instead of the doctor going through a huge amount of files in the office or scanning through his computer system rigorously, he could simply ask his AI assistant to fetch him the file.

The AI can also help in managing the doctor's schedule and fixing appointments with patients. This can be done seamlessly with the use of AI, taking a load of work off the hands of the doctors, and allowing them to have more time and energy to focus on other tasks. This AI assistant is not only limited to doctors; it can also help keep track of appointments for patients. Also, at any point in time, on any day of the week, these AI assistants are available to attend to the patients and answer their questions.

The Power of Prediction in Healthcare

We said before that the mind is limited based on the amount of data they can access and how well they can use the data. One of the perks of machine learning is the ability to predict outcomes based on the data they are given. How does prediction help in medicine, you ask? Doctors try their best to know the outcome for the patients—how will this treatment affect the patient? Will this disease resurface again? How early can the problem be identified? All these questions and much more must be answered by the doctor to help the patients better.

With the aid of machine learning and AI, accurate predictions can be made based on the thousands of data used by these machines. For example, through a medical scan, machine learning can give more insight as to what the problem is by cross-checking the most minute details. Also, by monitoring the patient's health, the machine can give a prediction on what the outcome for the patient might be in a few months and provide a solution as well.

A Bright Future with AI in Medicine

The integration of AI in the field of medicine is not about replacing the human touch but enhancing it. With AI, doctors can work more efficiently, make fewer errors, and provide faster and more accurate diagnoses. Patients can benefit from quicker results and improved healthcare management. While AI may raise questions about the future, it is clear that in the world of medicine, AI is a force for good. The future is indeed bright with AI in healthcare, transforming lives, and enhancing the quality of care.

Greatness Eyenor

Experienced Technical Content Writer specializing in simplifying complex AI concepts. Bridging expertise gaps, crafting engaging content in AI, AR, VR, ML.