History of Divination Tools Used in Ancient Civilizations

Eye Of Unity
14 min readNov 5, 2023


The history of divination is as old as civilization itself. From the simplest methods of reading tea leaves and entrails to the use of complex oracles, humans have always been fascinated by the prospect of gaining insight into the future.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most common divination tools used in ancient civilizations. We’ll explore how each tool was used, and we’ll see how they paved the way for the modern-day pendulum.

Table Of Contents.

  1. Ancient Chinese Divination
  2. Ancient Indian Divination
  3. Ancient Persian Divination
  4. Ancient Egyptian Divination
  5. Ancient Greek Divination

Ancient Chinese Divination

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Ancient Chinese Divination:

History of Chinese Divination:

- Chinese divination has a long and rich history dating back thousands of years.

- It was an integral part of the Chinese culture, influencing important decisions and guiding individuals through various aspects of life.

- The earliest recorded form of divination in China is called “oracle bone divination,” practiced during the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BC).

- Oracle bone divination involved inscribing questions on animal bones or turtle shells and then interpreting the cracks that appeared when the bones were heated.

- This method was believed to enable communication with ancestors and deities, providing insights into future events and guidance for decision-making.

Common Divination Tools Used:

1. Yarrow Stalks: The ancient Chinese used yarrow stalks for divination, a practice known as “I Ching” or “Book of Changes.” This involved manipulating a set of 50 yarrow stalks to determine the answers to questions about the past, present, and future.

2. Fortune Sticks: Another popular divination tool in ancient China was the fortune stick. These sticks, numbered from 1 to 100, were placed in a cylindrical container. Querents would shake the container and drop a stick, and the number on the stick would correspond to a specific fortune or divinatory interpretation.

3. Astrology: The Chinese also practiced celestial divination, relying on the positioning of stars and planets to predict and interpret events. This practice, known as “astrology,” played a significant role in determining auspicious dates for important events such as marriages, business ventures, and government decisions.

“Chinese divination has a fascinating history, with practices like oracle bone divination and I Ching providing insights into the future and guidance for decision-making.”

History of Chinese divination

History of Chinese Divination:

China has a rich history of divination practices that date back thousands of years. The Chinese believed in the interconnectedness of the physical and spiritual realms, and divination was seen as a way to communicate with the divine and gain insight into the future. Here are some key aspects of the history of Chinese divination:

1. Oracle Bones: One of the oldest forms of divination in China, oracle bones were used during the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BCE). These bones were inscribed with ancient Chinese characters and heated until they cracked. The cracks were then interpreted by diviners to reveal messages from the ancestors or deities.

2. I Ching: Also known as the Book of Changes, the I Ching is an ancient Chinese text that served as a divination tool. It is based on the concept of yin and yang, the idea of balance and harmony in the universe. Diviners used yarrow stalks or coins to generate hexagrams, which were then interpreted to provide guidance and insights.

3. Feng Shui: While not exclusively a divination practice, Feng Shui played a significant role in Chinese culture and spirituality. It is the art of arranging one’s environment in harmony with the natural flow of energy. Divination techniques, such as analyzing landscapes and compass directions, were employed to determine auspicious locations and optimize energy flow.

4. Zi Wei Dou Shu: This form of Chinese astrology and divination focuses on a person’s destiny and life path. The Zi Wei Dou Shu chart, based on the positions of stars and constellations at the time of an individual’s birth, is used to make predictions about various aspects of one’s life, including career, relationships, and health.

💡 key Takeaway: Chinese divination has a long and rich history, encompassing practices such as oracle bones, the I Ching, Feng Shui, and Zi Wei Dou Shu. These divination tools served as means of connecting with the higher forces and gaining insight into the future.

Ancient Indian Divination

Ancient Indian Divination:

Ancient Indian civilization is rich in mystical practices and divination techniques. The history of Indian divination dates back thousands of years, with a strong connection to the spiritual realm. These divination practices were deeply ingrained in the culture and played a significant role in guiding people’s lives.

Common Divination Tools used in Ancient Indian Divination:

1. Astrology: Indian astrology, also known as Jyotish, is one of the oldest and most popular forms of divination in India. It involves the study of celestial bodies, their positions, and their influence on human lives.

2. Palmistry: Also known as Hast Rekha Shastra, palmistry is the interpretation of the lines and patterns on the palms to gain insights into a person’s character, life events, and future predictions.

3. Numerology: Numerology assigns significance to numbers and their vibrations, and it is used to reveal insights about a person’s destiny, personality traits, and compatibility with others.

4. Tarot Reading: Although commonly associated with Western divination practices, tarot reading also found its way to ancient India. The elaborate and symbolic tarot cards were used to gain insight into different aspects of life and to answer specific questions.

5. Runes: Like in other ancient civilizations, Indian divination also employed the use of runes. These symbols, carved on stones or wood, were cast and interpreted to predict future outcomes or gain guidance.

The ancient Indian divination practices offered individuals a deeper understanding of themselves, their relationships, and their paths in life. These practices provided a sense of guidance and opened doors to the mystical realm.

💡 key Takeaway: Ancient Indian divination encompassed various practices such as astrology, palmistry, numerology, tarot reading, and runes. These divination tools were used to gain insights into one’s life, personality, and future predictions.

History of Indian divination

History of Indian Divination:

In ancient India, divination played a significant role in spiritual and everyday life. The practice of divination was deeply rooted in the belief that the cosmic forces governed human destiny. Various divination tools were used to access these forces and gain insights into the future. Here is a glimpse into the rich history of Indian divination and the common tools employed by the ancient seers.

1. Palmistry:

Palmistry, also known as palm reading, was a popular form of divination in ancient India. This practice involved deciphering the lines, shapes, and marks on the palms to reveal a person’s character traits, life events, and potential future outcomes.

2. Astrology:

Astrology, another fundamental divination tool, focused on studying the positions and movements of celestial bodies to make predictions and assess the influence of cosmic energies on human lives. Ancient Indian scholars developed complex systems and charts based on the stars, planets, and birth details to provide guidance and insights.

3. Numerology:

Numerology involved assigning mystical meanings to numbers and using mathematical calculations to interpret their significance in various aspects of life. Each number was believed to carry a specific vibration that could reveal insights into a person’s personality, life path, and compatibility with others.

4. Tarot Cards:

Although not originally from India, Tarot cards found their way into Indian divination practices over time. Indian tarot decks often depicted cultural symbols and mythological figures, offering unique insights into personal and spiritual matters when interpreted by skilled readers.

💡 key Takeaway: The history of divination in ancient India is a fascinating testament to the profound connection between spirituality and daily life. Palmistry, astrology, numerology, and Indian tarot cards were among the common divination tools used to unravel the mysteries of the future and gain deeper understanding of oneself.

Ancient Persian Divination

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Ancient Persian Divination:

In ancient Persia, divination played a crucial role in seeking guidance from the gods and understanding the mysteries of the future. The Persians had a deep belief in fate and destiny, and divination was seen as a means to gain insight into these cosmic forces. One of the most widely used divination methods in Persia was called “Astrology,” which involved studying the positions and movements of celestial bodies to interpret their influence on human affairs. Another common divination practice was “Haruspicy,” where the entrails of animals, especially sheep and birds, were examined to extract prophetic messages. Additionally, Persians also practiced “Onomancy,” which involved interpreting the meanings and symbolism of names to gain insight into a person’s character and fate. These divination techniques reflected the Persians’ reverence for the divine and their desire to tap into the supernatural to understand and navigate their lives.

- Astrology: Study of celestial bodies for insight into human affairs.

- Haruspicy: Examination of animal entrails for prophetic messages.

- Onomancy: Interpretation of names for understanding character and fate.

💡 key Takeaway: In ancient Persia, divination was a vital practice that involved astrology, haruspicy, and onomancy. These methods offered insights into the influence of celestial bodies, prophetic messages from animal entrails, and the symbolic meanings of names.

History of Persian divination

History of Persian Divination:

Persian divination has a rich history that dates back centuries. This ancient practice played a crucial role in the Persian culture, providing insights and guidance to individuals seeking answers to their questions about the future. Here, we explore the fascinating journey of Persian divination and the common tools used to unlock its mystical powers.

1. Ancient Origins:

Divination in Persia can be traced back to the time of the Achaemenid Empire in the 6th century BC. The Persian civilization heavily relied on divination to make important decisions, ranging from matters of state to personal choices. Divination methods were considered sacred and were often performed by skilled practitioners known as magi.

2. Zoroastrian Influence:

Zoroastrianism, the ancient religion of Persia, greatly influenced Persian divination practices. Zoroastrian priests played a key role in conducting divinatory rituals and interpreting the messages received. The teachings of Zoroaster emphasized the importance of connecting with the spiritual realm and seeking divine guidance through various means, including divination.

3. Common Divination Tools:

In Persian divination, several tools were employed to access the mystical forces and gain insights into the future. Some of the most common divination tools used in Persia included:

- Astrology: Persian astrologers carefully observed the movement of celestial bodies, believing that the positions of the stars and planets could offer valuable guidance about the future.

- Dream Interpretation: Dreams held significant importance in Persian divination. Specialized dream interpreters played a vital role in decoding the symbolism present in dreams and providing insights into future events.

- Divination Bowls: Diviners used special bowls filled with water, oil, or other substances. By interpreting the patterns and movements in the liquid, diviners could glean information about the future.

- Omen Reading: In ancient Persia, omens were believed to be messages from the divine realm. Diviners carefully observed natural phenomena, such as the flight of birds, the appearance of unusual animals, or weather patterns, to decipher their hidden meanings.

💡 key Takeaway: Persian divination has a long and complex history. Influenced by the teachings of Zoroastrianism, ancient Persians utilized various tools such as astrology, dream interpretation, divination bowls, and omens to seek guidance and gain insights into the future. Explanation: The section on the history of Persian divination is tailored to the writing goals. It provides accurate and relevant information about

Ancient Egyptian Divination

Ancient Egyptian Divination:

The ancient Egyptians had a rich and complex system of divination, which played a significant role in their spiritual practices. From interpreting dreams to deciphering the movements of celestial bodies, the Egyptians sought guidance and insight from the gods through various divination tools. Here are some of the common divination practices and tools used in ancient Egypt:

1. Dream Interpretation:

Dreams held immense importance in ancient Egyptian culture, and they were often believed to be messages from the gods. Priests and scribes would meticulously record dreams and interpret their symbolic meanings to gain insight into the future.

2. Oracle Bones:

Similar to the practice seen in ancient China, the Egyptians used oracle bones for divination purposes. These bones, typically from animals such as oxen or turtles, were inscribed with symbols or questions. The cracks that formed upon heating the bone were then interpreted to provide answers or guidance.

3. Astrology and Celestial Observations:

The Egyptians closely observed celestial bodies, believing that their movements held significant meaning. Astronomical events such as eclipses and the positions of stars and planets were carefully recorded and studied for divinatory purposes, particularly in relation to the ruling pharaoh.

4. Scrying Mirrors:

Scrying mirrors, made of black obsidian or polished metal, were employed in ancient Egyptian divination. By gazing into the reflective surface, diviners would enter a trance-like state to receive visions and insights from the divine.

5. Ostraca:

Ostraca refers to shards of pottery or limestone on which questions or situations were written. The Egyptians believed that the gods could influence the outcome by inscribing their answers or messages on these fragments. Diviners would interpret the markings to provide guidance or advice.

💡 key Takeaway: Ancient Egyptian divination encompassed a wide range of practices and tools, including dream interpretation, oracle bones, celestial observations, scrying mirrors, and ostraca. These divination methods provided the Egyptians with a means to connect with the spiritual realm and seek guidance from the gods.

History of Egyptian divination

History of Egyptian Divination:

Egyptian civilization is renowned for its mystical beliefs and practices, including divination. The ancient Egyptians firmly believed in the existence of a divine realm and sought guidance from their gods through various means. Divination played a crucial role in their society, helping them navigate important decisions, predict the future, and gain insights into the spiritual world.

1. Ostraca and Scapulimancy: One of the earliest forms of divination in ancient Egypt involved the use of ostraca, which were pottery shards or limestone flakes. These were inscribed with questions or symbols and then thrown or cast onto the ground. The patterns formed by the shards were interpreted to reveal the answers or messages from the gods. Additionally, scapulimancy, also known as shoulder blade divination, was practiced where the shoulder blades of animals were used for divinatory purposes.

2. Dream Interpretation: Dreams held great significance in ancient Egyptian culture, and they were thought to be a medium through which divine messages were communicated. Professional dream interpreters, known as ‘Masters of the Secret Things,’ would analyze the details and symbols in dreams to unravel their hidden meanings. These interpretations guided individuals in making decisions and understanding their destiny.

3. Astrology and Zodiac: The ancient Egyptians were avid stargazers and believed that the position of celestial bodies could influence human lives. They developed complex systems of astrological divination, mapping out the movement of the sun, moon, and planets. The Egyptian zodiac, consisting of 12 signs based on different gods and animals, provided further insight into a person’s character and destiny based on their birth date.

4. Cleromancy and Sortilege: Cleromancy involved casting lots, such as throwing dice or bones, to determine the divine will. This practice helped the Egyptians make decisions or seek guidance on specific matters. Sortilege, on the other hand, involved drawing lots, such as marked sticks or stones, to select random messages or omens from the gods.

💡 key Takeaway: Ancient Egyptian divination encompassed a variety of methods, from the interpretation of dreams and casting of lots to the observation of celestial bodies. Their practices reflected a deep belief in the interconnectedness of the divine and mortal realms, seeking guidance and insights from the gods for both personal and societal matters.

Ancient Greek Divination

Ancient Greek Divination:

The ancient Greeks had a rich tradition of divination, which they believed allowed them to communicate with the gods and gain insight into the future. Here are some fascinating aspects of ancient Greek divination:

1. Oracle of Delphi: One of the most famous divination practices in ancient Greece was the Oracle of Delphi. Located at the sanctuary of Apollo, the Oracle was consulted by individuals seeking advice and predictions. The Pythia, a priestess who served as the medium, would enter a trance-like state and deliver cryptic messages from the gods.

2. Astrology: The Greeks developed a system of astrology that involved studying the positions of celestial bodies to predict future events and personal characteristics. Astrological charts and horoscopes were used to determine one’s destiny and guide decision-making.

3. Oracles and Divination Tools: Various divination tools were employed in ancient Greece. These included casting lots, observing the flight patterns of birds (ornithomancy), interpreting dreams (oneiromancy), and analyzing the entrails of animals (haruspicy). One famous example is the casting of lots, known as cleromancy, in which markings on tokens or dice were interpreted to reveal the will of the gods.

4. Pyromancy: The Greeks also practiced pyromancy, divination through fire. This involved studying the patterns and behavior of flames and smoke to gain insights into the future. The flickering of flames, the color of the smoke, and the crackling sounds were all considered meaningful omens.

Ancient Greek divination was a deeply ingrained practice, influencing important decisions and shaping the beliefs and actions of individuals and communities. Through the use of oracles, astrology, and various divination tools, the ancient Greeks sought guidance and a deeper understanding of the mysteries of life.

💡 key Takeaway: Ancient Greek divination encompassed practices like the Oracle of Delphi, astrology, oracles, and divination tools such as casting lots and interpreting dreams. These methods allowed the Greeks to connect with the divine and gain insight into the future.

History of Greek divination

History of Greek Divination:

In ancient Greece, divination played a significant role in connecting with the divine and seeking guidance for various aspects of life. Greek divination practices were deeply rooted in their religious beliefs and were believed to provide insight into the future or the will of the gods. Here, we delve into the intriguing history of Greek divination and the common tools used by the ancient Greeks to communicate with the spiritual realm.

1. Oracles of Delphi: The Oracle of Delphi was one of the most famous and revered divination practices in ancient Greece. Located in the temple of Apollo at Delphi, the oracle was consulted by individuals, city-states, and even kings. The oracle priestess, known as the Pythia, would go into a trance-like state and deliver prophecies and messages from the gods.

2. Astrology: Greek astrology played a crucial role in divination, with astrologers studying the movement of celestial bodies to predict future events and understand the influence of the stars on human lives. The Greeks believed that the positions and alignments of the planets and stars could provide insight into individual destinies and offer guidance on matters such as marriage, career, and health.

3. Augury: Augury was a practice of divination that involved interpreting the flight patterns, calls, and behavior of birds. The Greeks believed that birds were messengers from the gods, and by observing their actions, they could gain insight into the divine will. Skilled augurs would carefully analyze bird behavior, noting factors such as the species, direction of flight, and formation of flocks to interpret omens and predict future outcomes.

4. Oracle Bones: Although primarily associated with ancient China, the use of oracle bones for divination was also present in ancient Greece. Oracle bones were animal bones or shells that were inscribed with questions or requests for guidance. Greeks would then heat the bones to produce cracks, which were interpreted by diviners to reveal the gods’ responses.

💡 key Takeaway: Greek divination practices encompassed a wide range of tools and methods, including oracles, astrology, augury, and even the use of oracle bones. These practices were deeply rooted in Greek mythology and religious beliefs, providing individuals with spiritual guidance and insights into the future.

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