Ultimate Guide to Cartomancy: Uncover the Secrets of Card Reading

Eye Of Unity
12 min readJan 18, 2024


Have you ever wondered how a simple deck of playing cards can hold the secrets to your past, present, and future? Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to Cartomancy, where we dive deep into the mystical art of card reading and uncover its hidden wisdom.

In today’s fast-paced world, finding guidance and insight into our lives can be a challenge. That’s where cartomancy comes in. This little-known form of card reading uses a regular deck of standard playing cards to provide powerful insights and spiritual guidance. It’s a straightforward and accessible divination method that has been used for centuries to unlock the mysteries of the universe.

Throughout this blog, we’ll explore the fascinating history of cartomancy, learn how to read and interpret the cards, and discover the meanings behind each card. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced reader, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to embark on your own divination journey.

So, if you’re ready to tap into the energy of the universe and unlock the secrets that lie within the cards, join us as we delve into the enchanting world of cartomancy. Get ready to unveil the hidden truths and gain valuable insights that can guide you on your spiritual path.

Meta description: Unlock the power of cartomancy and discover how this ancient practice can provide guidance and insight into your life. Delve into the world of cartomancy and unravel the secrets of interpreting playing cards. Learn about the fundamentals, explore different card meanings, and discover the unique insights that cartomancy can offer.

Introduction to Cartomancy: A No-Nonsense Tarot Alternative That Uses Playing Cards

Welcome to the fascinating world of cartomancy, an ancient practice that offers valuable insights and guidance through the interpretation of playing cards. If you’re intrigued by divination and looking for a straightforward method that doesn’t require a specialized tarot deck, cartomancy is an excellent alternative.

Cartomancy shares some similarities with tarot reading, as both use symbolic imagery and intuitive interpretation. However, cartomancy relies on a regular deck of standard playing cards, making it accessible to anyone with a deck on hand.

While tarot cards have their own unique symbolism and structure, cartomancy embraces the traditional suits of hearts, diamonds, spades, and clubs found in a standard deck. Each suit carries its own meanings and associations, offering a rich tapestry of symbols to draw from when performing a reading.

In the following sections, we will dive deeper into the world of cartomancy, exploring the meanings of individual cards, understanding the process of reading, and uncovering the differences between cartomancy and tarot reading. Whether you’re a beginner seeking to learn more or a seasoned divination enthusiast, this guide will provide you with valuable insights into the art of cartomancy.

Let’s begin our journey into the captivating realm of cartomancy and discover the secrets that playing cards hold.

What is Cartomancy?

Cartomancy is a fascinating form of divination that utilizes playing cards to gain insights and guidance into various aspects of life. While tarot reading is a well-known divination practice, cartomancy offers a unique alternative, providing straightforward answers and valuable revelations using a regular deck of standard playing cards.

In cartomancy, each card holds its own separate meaning and significance, allowing the reader to interpret the messages and symbols conveyed by the cards. This ancient practice has a rich history and has been a favorite pastime of royals and individuals seeking spiritual guidance for centuries.

Cartomancy readings can provide clarity and shed light on a wide range of topics such as relationships, career decisions, and personal growth. By tapping into the energy of the universe, a skilled cartomancy reader can provide valuable insights into the present circumstances and potential future outcomes.

When conducting a cartomancy reading, the reader begins by shuffling the cards to infuse them with their own energy. Then, the cards are spread and arranged, with each position in the spread representing different aspects of the querent’s life or the topic at hand.

The interpretation of the cards depends on various factors, such as the individual card’s meaning, the position it occupies in the spread, and the reader’s intuition. The experienced reader considers the symbolism of the suits (hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades) as well as the numerical value and picture depicted on each card.

For a typical reading, a three-card spread is commonly used to provide a concise yet insightful snapshot of the situation. Alternatively, more complex spreads, such as the Celtic Cross, can offer a more detailed analysis of the querent’s circumstances.

It’s essential to note that cartomancy is a highly intuitive divination method. Experienced cartomancy experts, such as intuitive astrologer Jacy Novum, can provide in-depth interpretations and guidance based on their extensive knowledge and connection with the cards.

In conclusion, cartomancy offers a straightforward guide to divination using a standard deck of playing cards. With its rich history and defined card meanings, this ancient divination practice provides an excellent opportunity for individuals seeking clarity and guidance in various aspects of life.

[*Keywords used: cartomancy, divination, playing cards, insight, guidance, straightforward answers, deck of standard playing cards, meanings, symbols, spiritual guidance, relationships, career decisions, personal growth, energy of the universe, skilled reader, shuffling, spread, interpretation, symbolism, suits, numerical value, picture, three-card spread, Celtic Cross, intuition, querent, Jacy Novum, clarity, connection*]

Understanding the 52 Cards

In cartomancy, the deck of playing cards consists of 52 cards, divided into four suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades. Each suit carries its own unique symbolism and interpretation, adding depth and complexity to cartomancy readings. Understanding the meanings associated with each suit is essential for accurate and insightful card interpretations.


Hearts represent matters of the emotions, relationships, love, and intuition. When hearts cards appear in a cartomancy reading, they often indicate matters of the heart, such as romantic relationships, friendships, or family dynamics. The hearts suit is associated with emotions, compassion, and matters of the heart. The specific meanings of hearts cards can vary depending on the surrounding cards and the individual’s question or situation.


Diamonds symbolize material wealth, prosperity, and practical matters. They often represent financial matters, career opportunities, and material possessions. The diamonds suit is associated with abundance, success, and practicality. In a cartomancy reading, diamonds cards can provide insights into financial decisions, investments, or material desires. Again, the precise interpretation of diamonds cards will depend on the context and other cards in the spread.


Clubs cards are associated with intellect, communication, and creativity. They represent ideas, knowledge, and intellectual pursuits. When clubs cards appear in a cartomancy reading, they often indicate intellectual challenges, communication issues, or creative endeavors. Clubs cards can offer insights into decision-making processes, learning opportunities, or the need for effective communication.


The spades suit represents challenges, obstacles, and conflicts. They often indicate difficulties, setbacks, or potential dangers. While spades carry a more negative connotation, they also offer opportunities for growth, resilience, and transformation. In a cartomancy reading, spades cards can provide warnings, cautionary advice, or a call for introspection and problem-solving.

Understanding the meanings of the four suits in cartomancy is just the first step in unlocking the deeper insights and guidance offered by playing cards. Each individual card within a suit holds its own significance and can further enhance the interpretation of a reading. By familiarizing yourself with the symbolism and meanings of each card, you can delve deeper into the realm of cartomancy and uncover the secrets hidden within the 52 cards.

Remember, for a comprehensive and accurate cartomancy reading, consider consulting with a professional cartomancy reader or expanding your knowledge through reputable websites dedicated to cartomancy interpretations.

How to Read Cartomancy Cards

Cartomancy, the art of reading playing cards to gain insight and guidance, follows a structured process that involves shuffling, spreading, and interpreting the cards. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced reader, understanding the steps involved in a cartomancy reading can help you unlock the deeper meanings hidden within the cards.

Step 1: Shuffling the Cards

To begin a cartomancy reading, it is essential to thoroughly shuffle the deck of playing cards. Ensure that the deck is well mixed so that the cards are randomized. This step helps to break any existing energy patterns and allows for a fresh start in the reading. As you shuffle, focus your intent on the purpose of the reading, taking a moment to clear your mind and connect with the cards’ energy.

Step 2: Choosing a Spreading Method

Once you have shuffled the deck, it’s time to choose a spreading method. There are various popular methods, such as the Three-Card Spread, the Celtic Cross Spread, and the Five-Card Spread, each offering different levels of depth and insight. Select a spreading method that aligns with your intentions and the specific questions or concerns you want to address in the reading.

Step 3: Laying Out the Cards

With the spreading method chosen, carefully lay out the cards in the designated positions according to the chosen spread. Each position within the spread represents a different aspect of the question or situation being explored. Take your time to arrange the cards, paying attention to their positions and the relationships between them. This layout serves as a visual map that will guide your interpretation.

Step 4: Interpretation and Insight

Now comes the critical step of interpreting the cards’ meanings within the spread. Begin by carefully observing each card and its position in relation to the others. Pay attention to the symbolism and imagery on the cards, as well as any intuitive impressions that come to you. Consider the individual card meanings, as well as the connections and interactions between cards. This process requires a combination of knowledge, intuition, and personal connection with the cards.

Step 5: Conveying the Message

Once you have gained insight from the interpretation, it is important to convey the messages effectively. Articulate the meaning of each card within the context of the spread, providing clarity, guidance, and any potential warnings or opportunities. As a cartomancy reader, it is crucial to communicate the information with empathy, compassion, and professionalism, ensuring your client feels supported and empowered by the reading.

In conclusion, reading playing cards in cartomancy involves a structured process of shuffling, spreading, and interpretation. By following these steps, you can harness the ancient wisdom and symbols within playing cards to gain deep insights and guidance in various aspects of life. Remember, practice and experience are key to refining your skills as a cartomancy reader and offering meaningful readings to those seeking guidance.

Remember to incorporate the related keywords and terms naturally throughout the section.

Exploring Card Meanings

In cartomancy, understanding the meanings of individual playing cards is essential for interpreting the insights and messages they hold. Each card carries its own unique symbolism and significance, providing a glimpse into various aspects of life, relationships, and the experiences we encounter. Let’s delve into the meanings of some significant cards commonly used in cartomancy readings:

The Ace of Spades

- Symbolizes new beginnings, potential, and opportunities.

- Represents a fresh start or the initiation of a new project or venture.

- Can indicate a period of transformation or personal growth.

The Queen of Hearts

- Symbolic of love, compassion, and emotional harmony.

- Reflects nurturing qualities and the importance of relationships.

- Suggests a time of profound emotional connection or the presence of a supportive figure.

The Eight of Diamonds

- Signifies financial and material stability.

- Suggests success, abundance, or a favorable outcome in monetary matters.

- May indicate the need for careful financial planning and responsible management.

The Ten of Clubs

- Represents success, accomplishment, and recognition.

- Indicates the fulfillment of goals or the attainment of desired outcomes.

- Suggests a period of achievement and the rewards of hard work and dedication.

The Jack of Spades

- Symbolizes intellect, ambition, and decisive action.

- Indicates the need for strategic thinking and making calculated choices.

- May suggest the presence of a determined, influential individual.

The Seven of Hearts

- Represents emotional introspection and self-reflection.

- Suggests a need for inner healing, forgiveness, or emotional balance.

- Indicates the potential for personal growth through self-awareness.

The King of Diamonds

- Symbolic of financial mastery, responsibility, and wealth.

- Reflects the qualities of leadership, confidence, and business acumen.

- Suggests the potential for financial success or the guidance of a mentor or advisor.

Remember, these interpretations are just a starting point, and the context of the reading and other cards drawn can further refine their meanings. Cartomancy readings rely not only on the individual card meanings but also on the intuitive insights and guidance of the cartomancy reader. Through the combination of card symbolism, intuition, and personal expertise, a cartomancy reader can paint a comprehensive picture of the querent’s situation and offer valuable guidance.

The Difference Between Cartomancy and Tarot

When it comes to divination and gaining insight into the mysteries of life, two popular methods stand out: cartomancy and tarot reading. While both involve interpreting cards to uncover hidden meanings, there are distinct differences between the two practices.

Different Decks

One of the primary distinctions lies in the decks used. Tarot reading employs a tarot deck consisting of 78 cards, including major and minor arcana, each with its own symbolism and significance. On the other hand, cartomancy relies on a regular deck of 52 playing cards, the same deck you would use for a game of poker or bridge. This makes cartomancy more accessible as the cards are readily available.

Symbolism and Interpretation

Tarot decks are rich in symbolism and often feature intricate artwork. Each card in a tarot deck possesses specific meanings that can vary depending on the deck style and the reader’s interpretation. Cartomancy, while also utilizing symbolism, generally focuses more on the individual cards’ traditional meanings rather than elaborate imagery. The interpretations in cartomancy tend to be more straightforward and literal.

Reading Techniques

The techniques employed in cartomancy and tarot reading differ as well. In tarot, a variety of layouts and spreads are used, such as the Celtic Cross or the Three-Card Spread, to provide comprehensive insights into various aspects of a person’s life. In contrast, cartomancy often involves simple spread patterns like the Three-Card Reading, which offers concise, focused answers to specific questions.

Versatility and Accessibility

Due to its traditional association with fortune-telling, tarot reading is often perceived as more mystical and esoteric. Cartomancy, on the other hand, is considered a more approachable and down-to-earth practice. The use of a standard deck of playing cards in cartomancy allows for easy accessibility and familiarity, making it a popular choice for beginners and those seeking quick, practical guidance.

It’s important to note that both cartomancy and tarot reading can provide valuable insights and guidance. The choice between the two ultimately depends on personal preference, the depth of symbolism desired, and the specific questions one wishes to explore.

Remember, whether you opt for cartomancy or tarot, both practices offer a fascinating glimpse into the hidden realms and can serve as powerful tools for self-reflection and spiritual discovery.

Accuracy and Predictive Capabilities of Cartomancy

Cartomancy, as a form of divination, offers individuals the opportunity to gain insights and guidance through the interpretation of playing cards. While cartomancy readings can provide valuable information and guidance, it is important to approach them with realistic expectations.

Cartomancy readings have their own unique set of symbols and meanings associated with each playing card. However, it’s important to note that the accuracy and predictive capabilities of cartomancy depend on various factors such as the expertise of the cartomancy reader, the energy of the universe at the time of the reading, and the individual’s interpretation of the cards.

Cartomancy readings can offer a glimpse into potential outcomes and possibilities, giving individuals a better understanding of current circumstances. However, it is essential to remember that cartomancy does not guarantee specific results or predict the future with absolute certainty. The future is not set in stone, and personal choices and actions can influence outcomes.

It is crucial to approach cartomancy readings with an open mind and use them as a tool for self-reflection and insight. The cards can provide valuable guidance and shed light on different aspects of life, but it is ultimately up to the individual to make decisions and take action based on the information received.

When seeking a cartomancy reading, it is recommended to consult an experienced reader who has expertise in the practice. An experienced reader can offer accurate interpretations and insights that can aid in decision-making. The reader’s intuition, coupled with the individual’s own intuition and awareness, can contribute to a more meaningful and accurate reading.

Remember, cartomancy readings should not be solely relied upon for making life-altering decisions. They should instead be used as a tool for gaining additional perspective and guidance. By combining the insights received from a cartomancy reading with one’s own judgment and practicality, individuals can make informed choices that align with their desired outcomes.

While cartomancy readings can offer valuable insights and guidance, their accuracy and predictive capabilities depend on various factors. It is important to approach cartomancy readings with an open mind, seeking the guidance of experienced readers and using the information received as a tool for self-reflection and decision-making.



