3 min readJul 28, 2023


AFFITRUM: Revolutionizing Advertising with Advanced AI and Web 3.0 Transparency


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, AFFITRUM is emerging as a game-changer. By fusing advanced AI algorithms with the power of Web 3.0, AFFITRUM is disrupting the industry, bringing unprecedented transparency and trust to the forefront. This pioneering approach aims to revolutionize how brands connect with their target audiences while empowering users with more control over their data and online experiences.

Advanced AI Algorithm

AFFITRUM’s foundation lies in its state-of-the-art AI algorithm. Through cutting-edge technology, the platform harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to analyze vast amounts of data and provide valuable insights to advertisers. This advanced algorithm optimizes ad placements, improves targeting precision, and enhances overall campaign performance.

By combining machine learning and deep neural networks, AFFITRUM’s AI algorithm constantly adapts and refines itself, resulting in more accurate predictions. This allows advertisers to achieve greater ROI, as the algorithm learns from user behavior, preferences, and market trends, delivering more relevant and personalized ad experiences for consumers.

Web 3.0 Transparency

Transparency has long been a challenge in the advertising industry. AFFITRUM addresses this issue through its Web 3.0-powered advertising platform. Built on blockchain technology, AFFITRUM creates an immutable ledger that records every transaction, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the advertising ecosystem.

With this decentralized approach, advertisers and publishers have access to verified, real-time data regarding advertising spend, ad impressions, and performance metrics. This eliminates fraud, reduces ad spend wastage, and fosters an environment of trust between all stakeholders.

User Empowerment and Consent

AFFITRUM recognizes the importance of user consent and control over their data. Through Web 3.0 principles, it puts users at the center of the advertising ecosystem.

Users can choose to participate in the advertising experience by explicitly granting permission for their data to be utilized for personalized ad targeting. AFFITRUM emphasizes user privacy and ensures compliance with relevant data protection regulations. It gives individuals the ability to manage their data and opt-out of personalized advertising if they so desire, putting the power back in their hands.

The Future of Advertising

By combining the prowess of an advanced AI algorithm with the transparency and user empowerment of Web 3.0, AFFITRUM is paving the way for the future of advertising.

Advertisers can make data-driven decisions with confidence and receive accurate insights to optimize their campaigns. With transparent metrics and verified ad impressions, publishers can ensure fair monetization for their content. Users, on the other hand, gain control over their digital experience, only encountering ads that are relevant and aligned with their interests.


$Affi Tokenomics

Contract: 0xdd839b26B9d5c10b8744832192EF9971300Ee4BA



Decimal: 6

Total supply: 100,000,000 $AFFI


1. Airdrop - 40% (40,000,000 $AFFI)

2. Private Sale - 0.5% (500,000 $AFFI)

3. Liquidity & CEX Listings -19.5% (19,500,000 $AFFI)

4. Burn - 24% (24,000,000 $AFFI)

5. Rewards to Holders - 16% (16,000,000 $AFFI)


AFFITRUM offers a compelling solution that addresses major pain points in the advertising industry. Through its implementation of advanced AI algorithms and Web 3.0-powered transparency, the platform is transforming the way brands engage with consumers. As the advertising landscape continues to evolve, AFFITRUM is leading the charge towards a future that is more transparent, trustworthy, and user-centric.


Webiste: https://affitrum.ai

Telegram: https://t.me/affitrum

Twitter: https://twitter.com/affitrum

Medium: https://medium.com/@affitrum

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPL3Ff4xfY2z18rBC1Xjtg

Facebook: https://facebook.com/affitrum

Instagram: https://instagram.com/affitrum

Github: https://github.com/affitrum


Telegram Username: Eyetaohms

ETH Address: 0xfa376579e7E8EFBEbbAe4c2B3704ddD94a802654

