3 min readFeb 9, 2021

Feelings Are Valid.

Invalidation — ”is the process of denying, rejecting or dismissing someone’s feelings. … Invalidation is one of the most damaging forms of emotional abuse and can make the recipient feel like they’re going crazy! What’s scary, it can be one of the most subtle and unintentional abuses.”

Your feelings are valid, you have every right to feel whatever.” 🤎

People are different and we all react to things differently, you have no say to how a person should react to something.

I have been going through the most for about a month now and I don’t want to talk about it, cause I don’t want anyone to invalidate my feelings.

“Feelings aren’t right or wrong. They are a reflection of your thoughts, experiences, and perceptions, which is why two people can have the same experience, but feel differently.”

​When my sister and I were young, I think I was about 12 and she was 9

We were playing then it got rough I fell her down and she started crying, my mum made me apologise, it wasn’t so serious to me

I mean, we both fell down but I apparently hurt her.

I had no right to tell her not to cry especially when she was hurt.

I made it seem like she was the one overreacting.

Tried to justify my way and then my mum told me ”Eyi her feelings are valid, if it hurts her it hurts her.”

I have held on to that ever since.

I always like to talk to people about how I feel so I don’t come off as being ”overly sensitive” or “taking things too personally.”

I pay attention to details a lot so I notice even the little things Lol, I always end up breaking my own heart.

Invalidating people’s feelings, it is one of the worst forms of emotional abuse. It’s in form of manipulation, judging, dismissing, blaming;

”it is not that deep”

”get over it please, you’re not the only one”

“You’re just over reacting.”

“Ugh you’re so sensitive”

“ You’re a strong person” — I don’t want to be, please

“ I know how you feel” — Of course you do.

“ it could be worse” — it could be better too yunno

“You too why did you … “

“ God will never give you more than what you can handle.”

“You’re taking it personally.”

“ It’s nothing, maybe you’re just tired or probably hungry”

I could go on and on, so many things have been normalized.

You have no right to tell someone how they should react to something, it’s not in your place.

Feelings are valid and people are allowed to express themselves however way they want, invalidating them isn’t it.

Make the conscious effort to be a lot more sensitive and understanding towards people.

Feelings are always valid.

”You’re not overreacting, you’re feeling and that’s okay.”

That’s that on that. ✨

Picture credit — Pinterest.

Love always,




I need a medium to express myself better. | In a wholesome, soft, goofy and kinder world.🤍