A Time God Took the Lead and I Followed...


Ah, the dreaded Mondays, but before we dive back into the hustle and bustle, I want to share some quick thoughts with you. Perhaps another time I’ll delve into how I seek the fulfilling aspects of work, but today, I want to recount a significant season in my life.

This memorable experience unfolded last year as I was nearing the end of my National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Nigeria. For any international readers, the NYSC is an optional one-year youth empowerment initiative sponsored by the Nigerian Federal Government. You can learn more about it here.

As my service year was drawing to a close, I, like everyone else, felt the tension and curiosity about what lay ahead, wondering what God had in store for me. Impatience was growing within me, and I desperately yearned to see positive outcomes.

Thankfully, I consistently sought solace in God, making the waiting more bearable. Despite my impatience, fatigue, and fears, I often poured out my frustrations to God, and in return, He continuously nourished my heart with His good and faithful intentions for me. I partnered with Prophecies and embraced every opportunity by submitting applications and eagerly anticipating acceptance emails to propel my career forward.

Although many of my applications went unanswered, I maintained hope, and eventually, a door swung open. However, it wasn’t a conveniently placed door, but rather one situated miles away, requiring significant effort to reach. Like Abraham, I took a bold step and reached for it. There was no resounding voice guiding me; instead, I felt a subtle assurance in my heart amid the turbulence, assuring me of God’s presence, and that was enough to push me forward.

Months later, I secured the opportunity, but it came with its own set of challenges. I faced obstacles and at a time even considered giving up, as the odds seemed stacked against me. However, God cleared a path where there seemed to be none. One powerful lesson stands out as I share this experience:

“If it’s God’s will, would it be convenient? Probably not.

“If it’s God’s will, would it be obstacle-free? Unlikely.
“It’s primarily about God making it work amidst all odds, and fulfilling His word, after all.”

Consistent seeking of God’s plans and following His lead is paramount. The opportunities that come our way may seem daring and challenging, but taking that leap is essential, and He will guide our steps.

Today, I’m thrilled to say that I’ve reaped the fruits of faith with regard to that season.

Once again, I find myself on the familiar path of wondering what lies ahead, growing impatient, yet what keeps me going is the culture of seeking God.

I encourage you to seek Him and learn to follow His lead. Remember, this is how our predecessors gained a commendable reputation. As I conclude this chapter of “Living Scriptures,” I leave you with this verse from Hebrews 11:1–2, and I hope it resonates with you:

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report.”

Until next time,
Modern-Day Deborah.



Grace Eyiolawi | Modern Day Deborah 👩‍⚖️

Meet Grace | Social Impact, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Grassroot Development, Administration, Policy, Spiritual Discipleship