Exploring the Serene Beauty of Dharamshala: A Memorable Trip with Friends

Eyshana Arya
5 min readJun 8, 2023

Dharamshala, nestled in the picturesque state of Himachal Pradesh, India, is a captivating destination that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, spiritual enlightenment, and thrilling adventures. Recently, I embarked on an unforgettable journey to Dharamshala with my closest friends, and it turned out to be an incredible experience filled with awe-inspiring landscapes, cultural encounters, and cherished memories.

Join me as I take you through the highlights of our trip, offering insights and recommendations for your own future adventure.

Day 1: Arrival

We reached Dharamshala after a scenic drive through winding mountain roads and were greeted by the refreshing mountain air. Our first stop was the vibrant McLeod Ganj, the Tibetan settlement known for its Buddhist monasteries and the residence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. We started with the Dalai Lama Temple complex that was located at the end of the temple road.

The place was electric and had a positivity in itself. As soon as we entered the complex, we were transported to another world; that breeze from ridges of valleys and those chanting made us involve in something we’d neither heard nor felt before.

The ambiance was captivating, with the air filled with a sense of devotion and reverence. A sense of serenity and tranquility enveloped us as we immersed ourselves in the peaceful ambiance of the temple. The gentle sound of prayer wheels turning, the scent of incense, and the chanting of mantras created an atmosphere conducive to deep reflection and inner peace. It was so serene to see all the Buddhist monks going about their day to day life.

After our spiritual exploration, we took some time to relax and reflect at the nearby cafes and shops. These vibrant establishments offered a blend of Tibetan and international cuisines, along with handicrafts, clothing, and artwork. As we wandered through the vibrant streets, our eyes were drawn to beautifully crafted bells, that adorned most of the shops. There were larger temple bells with deep resonant tones, as well as smaller hand-held bells with delicate sounds. Each bell had intricate engravings and patterns, showcasing the craftsmanship of the local artisans. A shopkeeper shared that these bells held spiritual importance in Tibetan Buddhism and were often used in meditation and prayer practices. Inspired by these meanings, we were eager to bring a piece of this spiritual heritage back home, and we selected a variety of bells, each with its own distinct character.

Day 2: Trekking to Triund:

Our adventurous spirits led us to undertake the exhilarating trek to Triund, a popular camping spot situated at an altitude of 2,875 meters. The trek offered breathtaking vistas of the majestic Dhauladhar range, verdant valleys, and cascading waterfalls. After a challenging but rewarding climb, we reached the top, where we were greeted by panoramic views of snow-capped peaks. Setting up our tents amidst the serene surroundings, we enjoyed a mesmerizing sunset and shared laughter and stories around a bonfire.

Day 3: Exploring Dharamshala’s Cultural Riches

To delve deeper into Dharamshala’s cultural heritage, we visited the Norbulingka Institute, a center for preserving Tibetan arts and crafts. We marveled at the intricate Thangka paintings, observed skilled artisans creating traditional sculptures, and participated in a meditation session to attain inner tranquility. In the afternoon, we explored the Kangra Fort, a historic fortress dating back to the ancient times, which provided us with a glimpse into the region’s glorious past.

Day 4: Serenity at Bhagsu Waterfall and Dal Lake:

We spent a peaceful day rejuvenating our souls at the enchanting Bhagsu Waterfall, where the cascading waters created a symphony of sounds. We dipped our feet in the cool, crystal-clear water and relished a picnic amidst the lush green surroundings. Later, we visited the serene Dal Lake, a place of serenity and spiritual significance. The Lake, with its tranquil waters, pristine surroundings, and peaceful ambiance, offers a much-needed escape from the chaos of everyday life. Our visit to this serene oasis in Dharamshala provided us with a rejuvenating experience, allowing us to reconnect with nature and find inner peace.

Day 5: Dharamkot and Kangra Valley

Our final day took us to the charming village of Dharamkot, known for its breathtaking views of the Kangra Valley. We hiked through dense pine forests, encountering occasional glimpses of rare bird species and wildflowers. At the hilltop, we found ourselves surrounded by awe-inspiring vistas of the valley below, making it a perfect spot for an unforgettable photoshoot.

Closing Thoughts

Our trip to Dharamshala with friends was a remarkable journey that encompassed adventure, spirituality, and natural beauty. From exploring the vibrant streets of McLeod Ganj to trekking to the summit of Triund, each experience left an indelible mark on our hearts. Dharamshala’s serene ambiance, coupled with the warm hospitality of its people, made this trip truly unforgettable. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, adventure seeker, or cultural explorer, Dharamshala is a destination that promises an extraordinary experience for every traveler.



Eyshana Arya

Youthful exuberance, a boundless curiosity, and an unwavering thirst for adventure - these are the qualities that define me.