Mapping the World Artificial Intelligence Landscapes

Eytan Messika
3 min readOct 16, 2017


Evolution’s Landscape

Technology’s Landscape

United States’ Landscapes

France’s Landscapes

Credit : Bpifrance Le Hub, FranceisAI

United Kingdom’s Landscape

Credit : David Kelnar’s amazing work. Check out for more insights.

Germany’s Landscape

Credit : Check out Fabian’s amazing work for other insights

Israel’s Landscape

Credit: Daniel Singer’s incredible article.

Canada’s Landscape

Swiss’ Landscape

China’s Landscape

Credit : Awesome Slideshare by Future Watch

Best Funded US AI Companies’ Lanscape

Best Funded European AI Companies’ Lanscape

Top VC Investors’ Landscape

Acquisition’s Landscape

Note : It misses Mobileye’s acquisition by Intel for 15B$

Vertical Industries Landscapes

Thank you all for reading this to the end. I’ll keep it updated for 2017–2018 as well.





Eytan Messika

Interest in AI and Education. Learn and teach about it.