Youtube channels to follow for frontend developer and Designers

Youtube Channels To Follow for Frontend Developers and Designers

Eyobel Kirub
2 min readJun 20, 2022

As you all know YouTube is place to learn anything you want and today I have prepared a list of channels that I used to become a frontend developer and UI/UX Designer.

Tutorial Based

Traversy Media

Traversy Media is a leader in free web development tutorials on YouTube and project-based courses on Udemy and other platforms. Brad traversy is the owner of the channel, he is a really good instructor who teaches anything related to web development.


DesignCourse is the best place to learn and understand UI/UX Fundamentals using tutorials and my favorite part which is his live design reviews.I have learned a lot from this channel about designing websites and things to do and things not do.

Web Dev Simplified

Web Dev Simplified is all about teaching web development skills and techniques in an efficient and practical manner. Kyle is the owner of this channel teaches complex topics in a simple way that anyone can understand it.

Kevin Powell

Kevin Powell is a CSS ninja. If you wanna learn anything related to CSS He has a video on it!!!

Javascript Mastery

This is a channel focused in learning JavaScript frameworks mainly reactjs and nextjs. This channel is all about project based learning, you will learn react, state management and more while building really cool projects that you can put on your portfolios. If you want me to post a blog on how to build portfolios that will get you hired comment down below.

Here are more channels I have subscribed that are tutorial based

  1. Freecodecamp
  2. Ben Awad
  3. Pedrotech
  4. TheNetNinja
  5. James Q quick

Below here are the channels I follow that are more about getting job and general things related to web development.

  1. Chris Sean
  2. CodingPhase
  3. TechRally
  4. Scrimba
  5. Tiff in Tech

You will learn a lot from this channels follow them and become a better developer and designer.

My next post will be on getting free certificates on courses from well known providers like Google. I will be posting it on Wednesday stay tuned!

If you are learning from my posts follow me to get more contents like this.

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