EYWA is preparing a revolution in DeFi.

EYWA | CrossCurve
2 min readSep 24, 2021


DeFi is the most promising and dynamic segment of the global financial market. However, the need for radical changes in DeFi has been overdue for a long time, as the rollback of the DeFi market in mid-2021 has already shown.

🔻 High fees, difficulties with access to liquidity, market fragmentation, blockchain overload, difficulties in interaction between DeFi products — all these issues not only hinders the development of the DeFi industry, but also leads to the disappointment of many users and investors. And all these issues are solved with the help of the EYWA cross-chain interoperability system.

✔️ EYWA provides a protocol for efficient, fast and cheap transfer of value and arbitrary information between any blockchains that support smart contracts. At the same time, the integration of EYWA into new blockchains is much easier than that of platforms offering similar capabilities — it does not require creating new sidechains in an intermediary blockchain, it is enough to deploy a few smart contracts in the target blockchain.

⛓ And developers of DeFi products get a ready-made cross-chain interoperability protocol at their disposal, so they can focus on other aspects of development.

That is, EYWA turns the fragmented DeFi industry into a single, efficient and user-friendly space.

Eywa.fi Team



EYWA | CrossCurve

CrossCurve by Eywa: The end game for fragmented liquidity. Enabling low-slippage cross-chain swaps of any assets (LSTs, Stables, Curve LPs) in one click.