Reflecting on Let’s Test 2017Good ideas come back around. Give yourself the chance to learn from good ideas past through self-reflection.Sep 15, 2019Sep 15, 2019
How not to name self-verifying test dataSelf-verifying test data makes it easy to determine if it’s right. You don’t need to go check somewhere else. It is its own oracle.Jul 28, 2019Jul 28, 2019
Agile Testing Days 2018: A ReflectionThe lessons I took away from that week have seeped into the way I work everyday.Jul 7, 2019Jul 7, 2019
You build it, you run it, and you fix itA day in the life of maintaining code I wrote for myself.May 20, 2019May 20, 2019
Don’t let JIRA stop you from visualizing dependenciesWe couldn’t see what which JIRA stories blocked each other. So we used a mind mapping tool to see it. Now we know how to start our work.May 7, 2019May 7, 2019
Exploratory Testing with the Chrome Network TabUse the powerful Network tab in the Chrome dev tools to figure out what’s causing your webpage to load slowly.Mar 29, 2019Mar 29, 2019
This Too Shall Pass: Disposable Test AutomationWe spent time writing test automation code. Then we threw it out.Mar 29, 2019Mar 29, 2019
Authorization & Authentication: A Tale of Government Security ClearanceI expected a police officer to check my driver’s license to confirm my identity before fingerprinting me. They did not.Feb 24, 2019Feb 24, 2019
Nuture the Bright Spots: Dutch Exploratory Workshop on Testing 2018Choose the best people, foster an environment where they have the energy to learn and inspire others, and set aside time to reflect.Feb 9, 2019Feb 9, 2019
Update your Mac Terminal to display your current git branch and statusI spent the better part of a crafting day at the office updating my .bash_profile on my Mac. If I’m in a git repository, with every…Feb 2, 20192Feb 2, 20192