Why humans are afraid of Artificial intelligence?

Ezekiel Gonzalez
2 min readJun 21, 2023


The dystopian future where an AI gains consciousness and takes over the world and sets a new world order is indeed a good concept for a Sci-fi movie but is nothing more far away from reality.

Futuristic robots
Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash

The big improvement in machine learning in the past few years is remarkable and this has caused a big speculation among the public, which has so many questions about how AI is going to affect our everyday lives.

We should embrace change instead of fearing it. As humans, we have a biological urge to be afraid of change and unknown topics, we humans have always been afraid of change, “Better the devil you know than the angel you don’t” but it doesn’t have to be that way as the human race has evolved, it has learned that innovation can be a good thing.

Chat GPT on a desktop window
Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

An AI program or a computer will never be conscious as Subhash Kak expressed “A conscious person is aware of what they’re thinking and has the ability to stop thinking about one thing and start thinking about another — no matter where they were in the initial train of thought. But that’s impossible for a computer to do.”

So there’s no point in distrusting Artificial Intelligence instead, we should focus on how we can improve our use of it, avoiding bad practices such as the most recent one “Lawyer Used ChatGPT In Court — And Cited Fake Cases. A Judge Is Considering Sanctions” like these there are many other examples of improper use of these tools.

Instead, we should take advantage of these amazing tools in our learning, there are many good uses we can give AI, I personally use it to practice my French, because is superior to the common translator.

AI indeed can be a great advance for humanity although it will depend on how we decide to focus its potential and avoid falling to fictitious end-of-humanity alarming stories, humans should be centered on what we are special at, such as creativity, AI will never be creative since it’s trained on data already created by humans, AI is exceptional because we are.

