Ezra Feig
3 min readJan 8, 2018

TGIM!! Happy Monday everyone

It’s Monday, my favorite day of the week!

Like most people, I used to dread Monday; literally cringed when I heard the word. As many people I know, I started off my career in Business Development with much success. I got a decent salary, nice car, the VP tittle I so desperately wanted, and then I got comfortable. I stumbled through weeks of mediocrity. I took summers off. Until it all caught up to me and got to a point where I was about to lose my job.

I do business development for a home health care agency in New York. In the past seven months, after realizing I need to make a change, I made a commitment to becoming the best in my industry. I started listening to and following successful people that have built successful businesses. What I learned is that there’s so much more that I can do if I started working harder and made a commitment to servicing my clients with a “yes can do” positive attitude. If I overdeliver on customer service, the opportunities out there are endless.

I started learning as much as I can about sales, customer services and made big time changes. I stopped using social media from 9 to 5. I started going to the gym early so I’m not rushing home to beat the after work gym rush hour. I start my work day earlier. Shortly after 9, already at my first stop. I write my goals down and schedule every morning before I leave the house so I know exactly what I’m doing that day and what I need to get done. Eating healthy and getting a good workout early morning has made my performance at work so much better. All these changes and commitment to learning and getting better has improved my numbers, quality of service and helped me produce like I never thought was even possible. My clients think of me first because they know that calling me would be the best choice for their patients.

My next step is hiring a team and training them the right way. Im confident that the people I hire will be super freaks and I’ll be able to have an impact on their life, 10Xing their success, health and happiness. I’m excited about the future of this company and I’m looking for great candidates to help me reach our goals. Our company has reached new heights in 2017 and My goal is to 10X that in the next two years.

We get paid to help seniors get the help at home so they can live a longer and healthier life in the comfort of their own home. It’s such an easy sell. Also a very accomplishing feeling at the end of the day. We’re making a difference in the lives of the seniors that sadly, aren’t getting the care that they deserve. What has been happening in this industry, is that the majority of the employees aren’t trained to serve the clients and just want the business. When the patients call with issues, theres no communication. No ones willing to get involved with the families and help them get whatever it is they need so they can get the care that they deserve. I want to change that so badly. I do all the work, I’m available for my patients 24/7 from when the referral is received, during the enrollment process and as long as they’re receiving services with us. The bottom line is, there are so many seniors in New York that I can’t get to myself. I need help. The only way we can reach more patients is with a team that I can train to do the exact same. Trained to give give give. For me, all this extra work has resulted in quadrupling my production in seven months. With a bigger team we can change the lives of so many seniors.

If anyone is interested or knows someone that would be a great fit to join my team feel free to reach out to me.



Ezra Feig

Father, dreamer, fitness enthusiast. I’ve always wanted to do special things and impact others. I found a passion for helping seniors live a better life at home